Aimee put her hand to her mouth as this girl, Jasmyn, said that she was a traveler. While it's not unusual for people to travel, she didn't look like a merchant, and surely if she was a caravan guard she wouldn't be at the adventurer's guild. Unless she just lost her job? Too many questions for Aimee to ask. But what was especially odd was that this girl didn't even know what the name of the city was. How do you go to a city you don't even know what it's called? [color=crimson]"This is Ami City. It was originally settled by the elves, but after a particularly brutal war with the dark elves nearby, races from all around came to support the elves and the city. Afterwards they simply settled in the city and flourished ever since."[/color] Aimee said seamlessly, lying through her teeth. Jasmyn seemed to be hiding something and Aimee wanted to know what that was. Because what Aimee worried most was that Jasmyn wasn't actually a warrior, but possibly a criminal. That armor may have been scavenged from a more worthy warrior and she's just trying to lay low for a while. Aimee's seen many adventurers do things like that, and try to find asylum by joining the adventurer's guild. But Aimee wasn't going to tolerate that, not for one second.