Mable wandered off after the tutorial seeing Hiro sprint off. Mable was excited hoping that a squirtle might be in the river nearby. Mable traced a river between the ocean and forest staying on the beach as a shadow moved quickly racing towards Hiro. It stopped before getting to close doubling back towards Mable as she stepped in the river. When it doubled back Mable fell back out of the river the pokemon waiting just out of sight. The pokemon had a reddish hew to the top of it with a yellow dorsal fin. Mable knew as it turned away what it was that had been hurtling towards Hiro. Carvanha sat below the water staring up hungrily at the young trainer and her shinx. Mable rolled to the left with her Shinx as Carvanha jumped out of the water biting through a rock near where they'd just been. Mable screamed half in fear [color=f26522]"Shinx use Tackle"[/color] Shinx sprinted forward cutting itself on Carvanha's hard skin but knocking it into a nearby rock. The Savage pokemon roared angrily flying into a rage as Shinx tackled it again trying to avoid a direct hit. Shinx moved quickly Mable on the defensive with her as they rolled an dodged. The Carvanha was unfocused trying to attack whichever one was closest in its bite attack. A second hit against its rough skin had Shinx panting. Carvanha followed through using rage on shinx to knock the small pokemon back at Mable. The Carvanha was winded panting covered in pebbles and marks from the tackles slowing slightly as it charged Mable. Mable half out of despiration and half out of respect threw her pokeball at Carvanha ready to run if it failed.