Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- When the Baron closed in with Ssarak to speak with him on much more serious terms than the pleasantries they had exchanged up to that point, Ssarak made a point not to change his mood in the slightest. He kept up the friendly demeanor shared by many of the other guests, but the look in his eyes was just as serious as the Baron’s. He silently nodded in acknowledgement of the Baron’s offer to share his knowledge via his maid, then finally took a step away once it seemed he was finished. [color=f7941d]”It has been a pleasure, Baron. May fortune favor you and your family, and if your child ends up with any magical potential you wish to foster, the College will be happy to assist.”[/color] Ssarak said as a farewell to the Baron, mostly to keep up appearances in front of the other guests. It was some time before Ssarak was able to act on the Baron’s offer of help. He did not want to speak to the maid immediately, as leaving the party early, and immediately after speaking to the Baron, could be suspicious if anyone was paying particularly close attention to them. So, Ssarak spent most of the time afterwards with Meirin, observing the people around them. When Ssarak finally felt that enough time had passed for them to depart safely, he took a few moments to locate all of his companions in the room to send a telepathic message to each of them. He kept it short and vague, in case any of their minds were compromised to any other psychomancers. [color=f7941d][i]”Come, we should get moving.”[/i][/color] There was much that Ssarak would need to do once they were in a safe location. For one, they would all need to collect together their observations to see if anyone had learned anything interesting. As well, Ssarak would have to have talk with Lyn at some point. She had potentially made a grave mistake, and he wanted to make sure she did not repeat it. But first, they needed to speak with the Baron’s maid. Based on his tone during their conversation, he had learned something important about the demons. On their way out of the room, Ssarak approached the maid in blue. [color=f7941d]“Excuse me, ma’am. Are you the one with whom I need to inquire about my group’s horses?”[/color]