[h3][color=ec5334]Alodi the Delphox[/color][/h3][b][Altepa Desert][/b] [@MankeyMankey] Making critical contact with the unsuspecting Typhlosion, the Fire-type roared with pain, doubling over to clutch its face. [color=fcde1a]"Y...You...RRRAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!"[/color] Shakily standing, Alodi managed to catch the tail-end of Piper's attack, [color=ec5334][i]I'm fine. Is that... Wake-Up Slap?[/i][/color] It was then the Delphox formulated a plan of attack. At the request to follow, Alodi dashed towards the action, skidding to a stop some lengths away. Pulling out his wand-like stick, he pointed it towards the Typhlosion, flicking it a few times. Psychic energy emitted from the Delphox's focus, as [color=ec5334][b][ALODI used HYPNOSIS!][/b][/color] The hypnotic waves struck the Volcano Pokémon, causing it to collapse. Asleep. Once the attack completed, Alodi clutched his chest as he began to cough furiously. [color=ec5334]"Tchh..."[/color] [h3][color=b8dab1]Pyrrha the Gardevoir[/color][/h3][b][Glyph's Guild - Guild Member's Quarters][/b] [@Light Lord] Putting a finger to her lip, the Gardevoir pondered for a moment, [color=b8dab1]"Scald... That is the boiling hot Water-type move, correct? That would be rather convenient..."[/color] A small smile spread across her lips. Putting a hand on her cheek, Pyrrha leaned in while the Feraligatr regaled his childhood. [color=b8dab1]"That sounds lovely..."[/color] Letting out a slight chuckle she'd continue, [color=b8dab1]"Lilith is quite a lovely name. In fact, it's similar to what I would name my own daughter. Of course, if that ever happens..."[/color] Flushing slightly, she averted her gaze, rubbing her left arm, [color=b8dab1]"Daneza... Hmmm. I'm afraid I haven't heard of it. On the Air Continent, you said? Perhaps one day I'll dance there. Do you plan to return?"[/color]