[color=ed1c24]"Gahh! That bug took mah bread with it!"[/color] Marlene cried, running over and picking up the Pokeball, shaking it momentarily out of frustration. She snapped out of it as she heard Hero, turning her head to look at the approaching young man. Lifting up the Poke Ball victoriously, she declared; [color=ed1c24]"Yeah!"[/color] Returning Mudbray to his Pokeball, she turned to face Hero once he got close, blinking at his question. [color=ed1c24]"Ah think goin' on back t' town would be a good idea. Need ta go heal these little critters!"[/color] As she spoke, the Pokeball in her hand burst open; In a white flash, Dewpider appeared, before rubbing up against Marlene's leg, getting her pants all wet due to the water bubble constantly around his head. [color=ed1c24]"Aw, c'mon, quit that!"[/color] She demanded, attempting to back away, only to stumble over, landing on her backside. She grumbled as the Dewpider approached, and decided to reach out a hand; Sticking it through the mildly warm water bubble to scratch the Pokemon's head. [color=ed1c24]"Pretty cool, ain't he? Ah got no idea what it is, but he's unique lookin'!"[/color] She seemed proud of her first catch, though if that was clouding her judgement on it or not, nobody could be certain. She laughed a little as the Dewpider spat bubbles out, letting them float up and shine in the sunlight. What a neat little trick.