Metel could only shake her head and sigh at the display of stupidity in front of her. It was almost comical, if not for the fact that she had barely any sense of humor at all. She had always been like this as far as she remembered, even when she was just a little kid. Oh well, a rowdiness like this was to be expected in an Adventurer's Guild building, even if she didn't like it. No matter where she went, there would always be a loud and rowdy bunch of adventurers at every branch of the guild. She turned back to the notice board after her concentration was interrupted by the noise they made. Most of the notices seemed to be about monster slaying, something she could do but she didn't really like doing. There was also a notice for the trial of the Hero, but she had no reason to participate. After all, she had no plans to be one. But then, she noticed one of the rewards for the trial; a rare plant that she had never had the opportunity to get her hands upon. She sighed once again. It seemed she had to join after all. And so she went into the line where the rowdy bunch was. She just hoped that this trial thing would be a solo quest. She wasn't sure if she wanted to cooperate with people like them. She had always been a lone traveller after all.