[h3][color=FF69B4]Piper the Skitty[/color][/h3][b][Altepa Desert][/b] [@Ninian] Gently leading her partner, Piper pressed onward, hoping their little skirmish had bought them some valuable time. The frightening noises of frenzied Pokemon hidden around them did nothing to ease her concerns despite them sounding a distance away. [color=FF69B4][i]I hope they find something else to attack...[/i][/color] Worried by her partner's coughing, she bit her lip and debated on giving him the cloth. The start of hearing his voice began to ease her concerns until he interrupted himself with another violent cough. Although she wouldn't have done so with any other, she unfastened her scarf and shut her eyes before handing it in the Delphox's general direction. [color=FF69B4]"T-Take this for now... I'll be fine."[/color] She said, her voice muffled by her tail which she kept tightly over her mouth. Lowering her head, she opened her eyes, keeping her paw outstretched with the cloth as she waited for her partner to put it on.