[color=fff79a][h1]Leander Xenovia[/h1][/color] "[color=fff79a]Hmm....[/color]" Leander pondered about what Amelia had said, thinking back on what he had experienced. The attack he had received had certainly been painful. He closed his eyes and thought further, trying to remember as much as he could about the event. When the attack went through, was the attack really solid? Leander continued the train of thought for a while, but eventually sighed and let it fade away. There was no point needing to remember something like that, anyway. Looking back at Amelia, Leander smiled and said, "[color=fff79a]Well, I'm glad to see that you're doing okay.[/color]" There was a moment of silence from Leander as he was out of things to say, then Leander continued, "[color=fff79a]Hey, what do you want to do after lunch? Do you think we should-[/color]" Leander wanted to consider going over to the group, only to turn his head and see that the group was already breaking up. "[color=fff79a]Well, there goes that idea,[/color]" Leander said. "[color=fff79a]Hmm.... wanna come to my dorm room?[/color]"