I was petrified to have mine done, too. I had to be put completely under and I was [i]terrified[/i]. (To the point of quite literally shaking.) That being said, all the worry was for absolutely nothing. It was a breeze. (I didn't even bleed afterwards and I was almost entirely back to myself within a few hours of having the procedure done.) I should say I wasn't scared of pain -- I was mostly scared of throwing up from the anesthesia. (I have a [i]massive[/i] vomit phobia. If you're concerned about feeling sick, they can put an antiemetic into the anesthesia cocktail and it nips it right in the bud. No problems whatsoever.) I promise you'll feel silly afterwards for having been so worried. It's nowhere near as bad as you imagine it'll be. (I literally took nothing but OTC Motrin afterwards -- I didn't even have pain.) Just stay away from foods that can potentially get stuck in the holes afterwards because that can get uncomfortable. (Avoid small foods like rice and tiny pasta -- if they get stuck in the holes it can hurt and be a pain to rinse out. You don't want to dislodge the blood clots and get dry socket because that DOES hurt. It's easy enough to avoid, however, by staying away from foods that can get stuck and not poking around the are with your tongue too much afterwards... Even though it'll be tempting. That was probably the hardest part for me was just to avoid feeling the area with my tongue afterwards -- you just sort of unconsciously do it because the area feels weird/different.) You'll be fine. Get some good movies to watch or books to read and just enjoy the resting period afterwards. :)