[color=39b54a]"They believe themselves fighters? Oh, how quaint..."[/color] [hider=Vindani Zaman] [center][h1][b]Vindani Zaman[/b][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/15/f5/3b/15f53bcdd915bff52d83f58da046ad39.jpg[/img] [h2]⦋ [b]??[/b] || [b]Indian[/b] || [b]Female[/b] ⦌[/h2] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL678y9iCBM[/youtube][/center] [h3][b]APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY[/b][/h3] [indent] [u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u] [indent]Vindani is a Naga, a mythological being whose lower body is a large snake's tail. In her true form (she's adept at disguises and shapeshifting and uses both in her line of work), she tends to 'stand' around 5'9, possessing olive toned skin and straightened black hair falling past her shoulders. Her eyes are a venomous, vibrant shade of green and the tail on her lower half has dark green scales with a cream underbelly. She has a wiry, wispy look to her that's almost seductive at times but still hides a fair bit of athleticism and power. When she's not disguised she wears the mage-like robes of a Collector, colored in the same tones as her tail with a sapphire gem set in the center and with her hood pulled up. The frayed ends aren't really there unless she's feeling particularly dramatic.[/indent] [u][b]PERSONALITY TRAITS [/b][/u] [indent]■Intelligent[/indent] [indent]■Calculating[/indent] [indent]■Seductive[/indent] [indent]■Ambitious[/indent] [indent]■Egotistical[/indent] [indent]■Obsessively Pursues Knowledge[/indent] [u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u] [indent]Very little is known about Vindani's history, and she's not exactly forthcoming with her past to [color=39b54a]'the inept simpletons who keep asking me about it'[/color]. What is known is that she is attached to a mysterious group of mythological creatures like herself who are clandestinely studying the world around them for some unknown purpose. Referring to her position as a 'Collector', Vindani is especially interested in the powers of Ki, and has become a more secretive Nomad to study and document the ki of other Nomads, taking a smug satisfaction in dismantling the tactics of her opponents to prove her own skill is superior.[/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3] [indent][u][b]FIGHTING STYLE [/b][/u] [indent]While she can throw a punch and use her tail in a pinch, Vindani doesn't actually physically fight her opponents. Instead, she channels her ki into conjuring energy projections in the form of snakes that surround her and strike at her enemies in lieu of a physical attack. To that end, her fighting style, a unique design of her own, heavily relies on her unusual abilities and agility to avoid attacks and poke at her opponents, keeping herself in a dominant position and wearing them down until she can land a powerful finishing blow.[/indent] [u][b]SPECIAL MOVES & TECHNIQUES [/b][/u] [indent][u]■ Serpent's Tongue (Passive)[/u] [indent]Vindani fights her opponents with ki projections resembling biting snakes. These give her more reach and speed then a physical attack, favoring light attacks while leaving her lacking in terms of a basic heavy-hitting move.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Touch of Venom[/u] [indent]Vindani enhances a basic attack with a slow-acting venom that deals more damage over time then it does initially.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Shadow Stalker[/u] [indent]Vindani vanishes from sight for a few seconds so she can reposition herself, with the option to leave behind a smokey facsimile of herself where she was standing previously. The facsimile can be dispelled with a single hit, and ki sense can easily detect her real location if she uses this move, but it's still a handy escape move.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Constrictor[/u] [indent]Vindani summons a ki cobra that crawls at high speed towards her enemy and wraps around their legs, snaring them and restricting their movement.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Unhand Me, Fool![/u] [indent]Vindani whips her tail around to physically knock an enemy away or to free herself from a grapple.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u] [indent] [u]■ Ruthless Deconstruction[/u] [indent]If Vindani is locked in combat long enough, she can deduce an enemy's weaknesses and enter Ruthless Deconstruction mode. When in this mode Vindani's attacks become even more precise and accurate, and her attacks can slow and stun her enemies as she methodically targets their hidden weak points. While this can be devastating at the right time, it is less helpful if she is fighting more then one enemy, and if her opponent can change up their fighting style, ideally with a style change of their own, it can throw her for a loop.[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ [i]Reptilia Superior[/i][/u] [indent]Vindani vanishes from sight and unleashes a flurry of invisible attacks on her opponent, disorienting and stunning them. She then reappears in front of her stunned enemy, raises her arm as if to attack, and tips them over by pressing one finger against their forehead.[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ Queen Cobra[/u] [indent]Vindani staggers her opponent with a barrage of ki snakes before transforming herself into a giant snake, unleashing a lunging bite on her enemy and slamming them into the ground.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u] Vindani's abilities with ki are impressive, but her reliance on agility and precision means she has very little to work with in terms of raw power and strength. Her style also requires Vindani to be totally in control of a fight, meaning anyone with a wide variety of skills or is generally unpredictable will have a distinct advantage against her. She also walks into every encounter believing she is the most intelligent, skilled, and all around better fighter, so she has a tendency to underestimate her enemies. [/indent] [h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3] [indent][indent]Vindani also has the ability to shapeshift into other humanoids, imitating their voice and appearance. She does not gain their abilities if they have any, however, and while disguised she can't use any of her normal abilities, so it's not a move she would readily use in a fight. Vindani is also accompanied by 'Acolyte Katsuko', a lazy kitsune disguised as a human who is a master of the ancient martial art of "running away and hiding". To say Vindani finds the fox girl annoying is putting it mildly.[/indent][/indent] [/hider]