Hands slamming onto the counter inside the infirmary, Marlene was, needless to say, pissed. [color=ed1c24]"The hell?! Ah could understand payin', or somethin', but ah can't just let mah pokemon wander about like this! If ya don't, ah'm gonna--!!"[/color] She managed to stop, as a man came into the infirmary and told them to heal their Pokemon anyways. She'd call it a job well done, but they seemed uncertain of denying that guy's words, so she figured she actually had nothing to do with it. As she turned, she could tell her words and actions had gone noticed, a stern eye coming her way, and caused sweat to slowly slide down her forehead due to being nervous. [color=ed1c24]"'The Capital'?"[/color] She repeated, listening intently. Sounded like a trip they needed to make; If not only for her sake, for everyone's. Not being able to heal up was a bummer; But if they really needed to, they could just rest normally. But what if one of their Pokemon became poisoned...? Oh, god. She had to think of a solution before it was too late on that front. She thought of one, but noted she couldn't do anything until they reached the forest. Nodding at the directions, she figured now was better than never to get going; This was important for her, and the others, too. This needed to be sorted out quickly. Getting her Pokemon back, she nodded at the man, Imamu, appreciating his help. [color=ed1c24]"Thank ya kindly! Ah'll be headin' there now... Ya'll are too?"[/color] After their leave was confirmed, Marlene kept in pace with the others as they began to set out. But paused as she heard Imamu catching up to them. Accepting the paper, she stared at it. A map that filled itself in? What the heck? Well, whatever. [color=ed1c24]"Thanks! Take care of yer'self!"[/color] She said happily to the man, before finally taking leave with Mable and Hero. Noting the Capital was marked on her map, she felt it was strange. Couldn't they have just gotten normal maps? It'd make figuring out where to go much easier. This had some charm, though. Fun charm. [hr] [color=ed1c24]"That's true. But.."[/color] Marlene trailed off momentarily, before continuing with her concerns. [color=ed1c24]"There's plenty'a'pokemon in the woods that could poison us or somethin'... It'd be wise if ya'll stayed on t' road; Ah'll cut off fer' a bit and find some berries."[/color] Smiling at the two, she assured, [color=ed1c24]"No worries! Ah'll be fine--"[/color] [center][color=ec008c][h2]"Woah, baby! Where are a couple of toughies like you going~?!"[/h2][/color] [Hider=Enter TRUE Fabulousness!][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLhtOt3LbxQ[/youtube] [img]http://i.imgur.com/oKdhdpB.png[/img][/Hider][/center] [color=ec008c]"Don't bother answering that, loves! I overheard everything at the infirmary! You're heading for the capital, right?"[/color] The young man had a huge grin on his face, a walking stick he clearly didn't need tapping on the ground as he observed the group. [color=9e0b0f]"Uh... Who are you?"[/color] Marlene questioned, blinking. Actually looking momentarily insulted, he regained himself. [color=ec008c]"Dearest me! You don't know an outstanding legendary superstar when he stands before you, for shame![/color] With a swing of his hips, a tilt of his sleek black walking stick, and a hand raised into the air, the man laughed a haughty laugh that could tick off just about anyone. [color=ec008c]"I'm a star! Quite a popular one back in Kalos, but my movies have been seen across the seas! Surely you've heard of my work, my famous romance, [b]"Piplup In Love"?![/b] I played the charming teacher to the young Pokemon, teaching her how to finally come into contact and gain the affection of her true love, Scraggy!!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Ah don't have time for this, Ah'm out."[/color] Marlene grumbled, wandering off into the woods in search of berries. [color=ec008c]"If my name didn't come to you already, it's Perdy. Perdy Babea; The most fabulous man to grace this earth! I couldn't help but notice that you were trainers, and as I'm here, learning the hardships of a trainer for my next acting role, a battle is simply a must!"[/color] He seems to specifically eye Mable, a sly look on his face. [color=ec008c]"I couldn't ask for a better battle than against a beautiful woman like yourself!"[/color] Noting that all of them weren't able to heal back at the infirmary, he added in a tidbit to assure them it'd be fine. [color=ec008c]"Don't fret about our Pokemon being unable to be healed. As a superstar, I have a lot of money. I'll heal your Pokemon afterwards as appreciation for you gracing me with your timeā™„! So what do you say?"[/color]