First Malayka summoned a rotten stalker which shambled over to Ranca slowly, clutching it's axe while moaning like any typical zombie. The usually serene [b]ember monk[/b] showed insane speed as he chased the fire wand's projectile to follow up his attack. The buckler blocked the fireball, but didn't do a whole lot to defend against a magical attack, as it was more suited for weapon blocking, Ranca took 17% damage. The Scallywag saw the ember monk, and in a drunken rage, charged at the warrior. managing to cut off his attack path at Ranca and get in a good overhand right punch which caught the monk on the jaw. The the much better trained Monk counter attacked with spinning back kick followed with a staff swipe to the temple which floored the Scallywag. The monk returned to his defensive stance as the Scallywag picked himself off the floor, taking more damage in the exchange overall. The Crow-Nester dropped it's first cannonball and it grazed Malayka ever so slightly for 10% damage and hit the floor with a thud next to her. The Sneaky Rogue dashed towards Malayka but had to take a little longer to avoid the axe swing of the rotten stalker, closing in on Malayka. [b]Malayka:[/b] 90% [b]Ranca:[/b] 83% [i]Rotten Stalker, Crow-Nester, Scallywag, Sneaky Rogue, and Ember Monk remain in play[/i]