[b]HOSHITANI YUUGA[/b] Yuuga froze at the sudden announcement, dropping the last of the arrows into storage. This was… uh… What? He flipped through his mental catalogue of the students of Yamamura High, hastily trying to identify the girl addressing him. Chiyu Shoukei. Pink hair. Second year. Treasurer, surprisingly. Now this was an interesting case. Cute. Diligent. But notably unpopular. These were just things he’d heard through the grapevine. All three qualities seemed completely justified from the bluntness she’d just shoved in the faces of everyone in hearing distance. It was the last point that made Yuuga jot a mental note to avoid spending too much time with the Treasurer. Reputation, both good and bad, had a habit of spreading quickly. The girl’s sudden interruption had roused a sudden wave of whispers from the club members. They’d heard her budget cut announcement too, huh. Not ideal. The long-haired boy glanced around for the club president. The guy was currently indisposed, having gone with the advisor to discuss tournament details. Guess Yuuga had to cover as the face of the club. Geez, if he’d known that having his arrow-nocking image emblazoned on this year’s recruitment papers would bring so much trouble he never would have agreed to it. At least club membership had gone up by at least 150%. All eyes were on him. It was up to him to protect the club’s prosperity. Yuuga felt his back stiffen reflexively at the realisation. Damn. He didn’t even know how to handle club finances. He could’ve just told the girl to wait until President came back, or just pointed her towards the staff room. Or… He could make this look good. [color=00aeef]“Woah, hey!”[/color] the tall boy raised his hands in surrender, flashing an awkward but still sparkling smile. Those sorts of showy moves usually eased troubling situations. All he needed to do was stall until President returned. And girls generally did whatever they could to spend more time with Yuuga. This should be easy! [color=00aeef]“Can’t we discuss this a little before any hasty decisions are made? What brought this on anyway?”[/color]