Non Fatal (Player1) and (Player2) skinny dip together in the lake. (Player1) punches (Player2). (Player2) runs away. (Player1) drinks (his/her1) own urine. (Player1) masturbates furiously while watching what just happened above. (Player1) receives a ridiculously oversized battle-axe. Fatal (Player1) dies of a disease that would have been prevented if (he/she1) had (his/her1) vaccinations up to date. (Player1) skinny dips in a pool, but it turns out the pool is a fumarole and (he/she1) is boiled alive very quickly. (Player1) catches the dancing plague and dances until (he/she1) dies from exhaustion. (Player1) beheads (Player2) in one clean swoop of (his/her1) weapon. (Player1) is struck in the skull by a meteor fragment, dying in what is basically just a freak accident.