((OOC: Combo between Drajhan and Angela)) There was little to be said during the long walk through the forest. Draj’s mind darted between the strange occurrences of the day, from the meenlocks to the arcane gate to the giant cat whose goal seemed to be more of potentially drunken meandering than walking in a straight line. One thing among the details that stood out to him was the prayer uttered by the (now-assumed-to-be) cleric. As the group settled down for the night in the ramshackled overgrown hovel that the beast had dragged them to, Draj offered to take first watch. Draj watched as the others took their meal, himself not too happy about the lean pickings from the forest. At the end of the meal, he volunteered for the first watch as he was in better shape than most. Drajhan set up watch outside the so-called “building” they inhabited, keeping an eye out for anything dangerous, and hoping he could finally get some time to himself. Angela had much on her mind. She noticed her betrothed set up a watch outside of the building they were in. She walked up to him. [color=lightpink]“Hello, Drajhan I hope you aren’t mad at me?”[/color] Angela asked kindly. Draj looked up to see Angela walking towards him and scoffed at the comment. “Nah, not mad at you,” he replied. “A little peeved at Harriet for setting you up like that, but that’s just like her. She knew I was betrothed to some girl, so she had you yank my chain a little.” Drajhan chuckled to himself. “Good one. You had me going for a bit.” Angela smiled a bit. [color=lightpink]“Drajhan, I wasn’t joking about my betrothal to you,”[/color] Angela said. [color=lightpink]“I had to get your name from my parents and that’s all they told me.”[/color] It was about this point that Drajhan realized she was either really committed to the story, or she wasn’t lying. “Gods be damned... but you aren’t even a dragonborn. Heck, are you even a noble? What sort of ‘alliance’ am I supposed to form with you?” Angela was surprised at what he said. [color=lightpink]“I am a Baroness, and from a kingdom north of yours,”[/color] Angela said. [color=lightpink]“The Gillian Nobles have been around for a long time that what they tell me.”[/color] “Never heard of ‘em,” Draj replied curtly before sighing. “Look, I’m sorry, but I’m really not looking right now. I’ve kinda got this thing... I mean...” Draj’s voice trailed off before he pulled his sword belt around and drew his weapon. “Take a look at this blade. This weapon is a symbol of the Pact I made with my Patron. A lot of the dragonborn Houses are also warlocks with similar Pacts and Patrons. Right now, I’m following my Patron’s bidding, and he didn’t exactly mention settling down and getting hitched as part of it.” Angela was stunned at what he said. [color=lightpink]”That is okay about certain things,“[/color] Angela said. [color=lightpink]”This is the first time I am learning about other people. I have been sheltered most of my life. It is a very nice blade, what’s it called?”[/color] “It’s just a longsword,” Draj replied. “The gemstone in the hilt is part of my spell focus. My Patron allows me to create a weapon and this gem appears in the center.” He sheathed his sword again. “Not every blade deserves a name. Just like people, they must prove themselves before they deserve to be exalted. This blade has not done so yet.” The dragonborn stood up and looked down at the girl who stood before him, taking in her looks for the first time. “For a human, you aren’t half bad looking, at least. You will find I am not a typical nobleman in many regards. One such regard is that I don’t care much what’s written on a piece of paper. I will not consider you my betrothed until you have proven yourself worthy of such a title. My apologies if that seems harsh, but I have seen what a forced marriage can do when there is little love in the family. It can destroy homes, and it can destroy kingdoms. I will not allow that to happen to my lands.” Angela was relieved with what he said but she was blushing. [color=lightpink]”Sir, you are different in all respects. I try to keep all my people within my kingdom happy by being kind. I have a feeling this is why my parents kept this from me. I will earn your respect and love, Drajhan. It was a pleasure to meet you.”[/color] She smiled kindly towards him. Drajhan nodded and looked out into the darkness of the forest for a moment. “If you are as naive as you say, perhaps it would be good to start your training on these matters early. Come, sit with me. Help me on my watch. Eventually, you will come to love the lack of sleep from these long nights.” He sat back down, shuffling over somewhat to make room for the ranger. “I will make but one promise to you at this point, Angela. I will at least give you a chance. I can give you little more for now.” Angela nodded to Drajhan and sat down. [color=lightpink]”I will help you on your watch. I am happy for what chances you give me. I have never done one of these watches before. I am grateful my parents allowed me to go on this journey to find you.”[/color] About halfway through the watch, Drajhan spotted something prowling around. He held up his hand to shush Angela and pointed into the darkness. A pack of wolves were sniffing around at the trail where the group had recently come from. Drajhan tightened his grip on his sword, but kept his hand up, signalling Angela to wait. He had never had much dealings with wolves before, but he had heard stories from farmers about wolves running off with their sheep. Nothing that a dragonborn and a ranger couldn’t handle, though... hopefully. Angela can calm Drajhan down a bit, assuring him they're not actively hunting right now. She knew only a few things about wolves and this knowledge is mostly from her father. She looked at Drajhan and used her hand to motion to let go of his weapon. Draj nodded to Angela. It seemed having a ranger around might be helpful after all, but he wasn’t about to let the wolves wander into the building. With a wave of his hand, a shower of sparks appeared at the doorway, sudden enough to scare away the wolves. Draj loudly whispered “Sorry!” as they skittered away. The two spent the next hour partially in silence, partially discussing some of the different aspects of their cultures. Small talk, as it were, despite one of them having a rather large personality. Drajhan found it difficult to open up much to this girl. If she were really his betrothed, there would be plenty she would find out about him eventually, and some of it need not be displayed on their first night. The poor girl had no idea what she was getting herself into, but Drajhan made a promise, and he would keep it. [hider=Dice Rolls]Drajhan: Perception - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/2137]17[/url], Nature - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/2141]3[/url]. Angela: Nature - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/2142]13[/url] [/hider]