Constance did not even have a chance to begin addressing Collin before Luna, as grating as ever, stepped all over her toes in what must’ve been yet another act of jealousy. Constance’s eyes burned holes in the back of Luna’s head from beneath the rim of her hat, the shade keeping the withering stare from being revealed to the crowd. She had hoped for a grand entrance, but now her debut had been completely sabotaged by Luna’s incessant rambling. Normally the woman would be ecstatic to watch the nurse commit social suicide, but when threats of sacrifice were being introduced so swiftly Constance was more interested in keeping her head firmly attached to her neck. And, she supposed, that she would want the same for the others. Even as miserable as they were, they still had some uses. “Thank you, Luna. I do believe that was plenty,” said Constance, her voice taking hold of a sort of authoritarian firmness while still maintaining a healthy bit of humor. However, the private look she casted Luna would tell the younger woman that she was completely dead serious. The woman had seen business opportunities ever since she had set eyes on the new civilization, and she wasn’t going to let some slum nurse squander it. If Luna was perceptive enough perhaps she would be able to pick up the threatening nature behind Constance's glance and, for once, know her place, lest she wanted to face consequences later down the line. It was time to let the [i]important[/i] people talk. “I apologize for my companions; they’re still coming to terms with the concept of politeness,” she said to Collin with a smile before she removed her hat and took a few small steps towards Imroham. The small smile remained on her face as she lowered her head and deliberately dropped into a long, slow curtsy, the kind she would have given extremely wealthy businessmen at the soirees she had once organized. “Constance Holloway, at your service.” The tycoon stood herself back upright, her eyes flitting back to Collin as she clasped her hands behind her back. So, the man was an actual descendant of one of the Devil Divers? Perhaps this would be fascinating to Edward, judging by all of his sideways glances, but to Constance it mattered very little outside of the fact that it was an angle she could use. She would never have left the islands if she did not have to, you’d have to be an idiot to go on a journey of uncertainty when you had it all, but she did not have it all, did she? However, even though he was completely unaware of it, Collin had just given her a second chance. “Like Luna said, I don’t speak for them, but they also do not speak for me,” added Constance. “I came here looking for you, Mr. Becker, as well as any other descendants of the Devil Divers.” She paused, in part to let the weight of her words sink in and in part to come up with the next yarn to spin. As she spoke she looked between the two representatives, making it clear that she was not trying to exclude either one. “I have a proposition for you, if you’ll hear me out...but perhaps we should wait to handle business later? We’ve already distracted you all long enough from your festivities.” She offered a slight smile. “Perhaps you would be willing to invite us along, if only to keep an eye on us?”