[color=ed1c24]"Gaaaahhh!"[/color] As time passed, the burning got worse. Her entire body was starting to feel hot; She could hardly see, the darkness making it too difficult to do so. Not to mention the poison had her to a point where it was difficult to keep her eyes open. She had managed to wrap her wound, though the shirt was now blood-soaked, along with her pants, at least around where the wound was. Sharp inhales of desperation kept her going; The urge to die filling her every time she let her breath out. Mudbray rubbed against Marlene affectionately, seeming worried. She smiled at her partner, slowly lifting a hand and scratching his head. It was weak, and unsatisfying... But at least it was some affection for him. [color=ed1c24]"It'll... Be okay. alright, pal...?"[/color] She spoke, uncertain of her words. Everything was becoming dark; She wasn't sure how much more of this she could take before she just ended up dying. Though, fortunately enough, Dewpider came back in a frantic manner, spewing bubbles as it chucked the berry from it's mouth into Marlene's face; Making a thud before she grabbed it, ignoring the pain or just being too numb to actually feel it. Looking down, she could faintly see the color. Pink... Yes! A pecha berry! They naturally fought of poison! If she ate it, she might just have a chance. Quickly, she tore into the berry; Savagely eating it our of desperation, ignoring it's strong taste. As she finished, she dropped the stem in her lap, leaning back against the tree, eyes wide. Reaching to her bag, she dug out a bottle of water, before unscrewing it and jamming it into her mouth; A satisfied groan escaping her as she washed the berry down and quenched her thirst. [color=ed1c24]"Aah... Ah think... Ah think Ah'm okay..."[/color] She muttered, the burning beginning to stop; At least it wasn't as severe as before. Weakly, she pulled herself up, using Mudbray as support. Knowing the mule's strength, she slowly climbed onto his back, figuring they needed to find somewhere to camp tonight. Though where, she wasn't sure... weakly kicking his side, Mudbray began to mosey. Dewpider followed them, nervously keeping an eye out for threats, and food. As he had worked up an appetite after finding that berry and not eating it. [color=ed1c24]"w-we'll find somethin', ya'll. Let's just...Keep movin', fer' now. Until we find somethin that can eat us all..."[/color]