"[I]Chirpity Chirp chirp,[/i] A phoenix was it? How brash, [i]an itsy bit astounding,[/i] [b]Equally infuriating,[/b] Lark wasn't wrong about you after all!" Vale sung, circling Jenso with a wide smile, "Don't you enjoy our heart-to-hearts? [i]Pleasantly weaving through your stupidity like seventeen guppies escaping the fisher's net,[/i] water like sands that sink below into the abyss of eternity's bottom I'd say, a little relief!" Vale chuckled and stopped, before drawing his blade and holding it up to the sun. [i]"Yin!"[/i] [b]"Yang"[/b] "I've been bamboozled once again by fate's many streams, Lark did not have to die. It should have been [i]you.[/i] You should have been dead since the beginning."