[@13org] If you keep him the same height he likely one of the tallest people anyone will ever see (for this time period), so I guess the choice would be between giant among men vs tall guy. Currently he likely one of the tallest people in Europe in 1920, less than one percent of the population will approach his height around the forth standard deviation using a bell curve and 7cm as standard deviation amount. At around 6'0" you are 2 standard deviations above the mean and thus only around 2.5% of the local population will match or exceed height. Which is still slightly better considering that this is a German having a higher average height than the presumed Borovian region, and the fact he comes from a wealthy family which makes his height less of a outlier. Of course the choice is yours and what to do, it would certainly be interesting to have a 6'5" person around and it is plausible, if exemplary, especially considering the wealth aspect in height.