[@MyCatGinger] [hider=Answer to super important question] where do I sign? [color=magenta][b]A true infernal contract doesn't need a signature...But yea, just post your character sheet ooc, unless you're going for a specialty roll. That you can PM me instead. And the questionnaire is always PMed[/b][/color] When does the carnage begin? [color=magenta][b]The carnage has already started, as the tower has taken in it's first soul. And that was the prelude chapter.[/b][/color] How severe does the affliction have to be, anyhow? [color=magenta][b]Serious enough that the character needed medical care, be it for something like an injury, or something else like a birth complication or plastic surgery. Your character doesn't still need to be under the effect of the affliction however. [/b][/color] [/hider]