Mable smiled in the dark wanting to bond with pokemon while she waited. Mable smiled sending out fletchling first petting it's soft feathers. They were warm to the touch and relaxing as Mable spoke to it gently. The pokemon seemed weak and tired, but Mable tried to be supportive feeding her pokemon and eating her rations. Carvanha was the slowest to start to relax. Mable smiled coaxing it with some simple rations petting it's soft spot gently. Carvanha slowly shut it's eyes seeming relaxed. Mable happily turned to shinx [color=f26522]"You did an amazing job today."[/color] Hiro stumbled out of the forest near Mable. Mable smiled up happily waving [color=f26522]"Hiro over here I have a camp set up where you can sleep"[/color] It wasn't much just some warm grass underneath a blanket and sticks, but it would hold a little heat and keep the wind off Hiro.