[quote=@Lord Wraith] [INDENT][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]G M A N N O U N C E M E N T:[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER]◼ [B]WEEK 04:[/B][/COLOR] [I]As the first round of secondary plots are coming to an end, let's discuss antagonists. So far there hasn't been anything too serious in the RP but what are your thoughts on antagonists? What makes a good villain for you? Do you like them unhinged, do you like them cold and calculating? Do you prefer an NPC villain or one who is directly portrayed by another player? What's good about being bad?[/I][/INDENT] [/quote] I typically see one of two types of antagonists/villains. Those that do their ill deeds for money/power (usually power) and those that fight according to their ideology. The latter being more interesting and respectable in my opinion. The reasons they fight vary, but they believe in it so much that they are willing to die over it, in some cases their death is even required. A person or faction that sees an injustice in the world and attempts to solve it using controversial methods. Particular favorite of mine is the Brotherhood of Nod vs Global Defense Initiative, when you take time to see the two perspectives you can see the faults owned by both factions. "G.D.I. has got to be the good guys right? Gloabal defense is in the name!" Well, as the series progressed the 'globe' has apparently shrinked in size as far as they are concerned. "Well, Nod is the good guys then i guess? I mean someone has to be the good guy." ehhh... It's a matter of perspective. G.D.I basically only cares about population centers in zones not contaminated with a certain alien terra-forming agent and Nod's massive propaganda machine incites the abandoned to violence. [hider=example propaganda][img]https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/321/321902-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/hider]. If you are in a blue-zone you'd prob support G.D.I. If you are in a yellow-zone you prob support the Brotherhood. All that said, I like to play in the Nod faction (subfaction Black Hand if playing KW. "When we are crushing the black hearts of our oppressors, we will find our hands blackened. We cannot cultivate our garden without digging in the dirt.") *sigh* I wish Westwood studios was never bought out by EA, they really mucked it all up in C&C 4.[hider=rant] "What if, in this cult classic game that defined the Real Time Strategy genre, instead of winning by eliminating all forces on the other team, we turn it into what is essentially king of the hill? Also we lazily write the conclusion of the series ongoing for nearly two decades into a subpar, mildly satisfying ending. Also, you know that Kane guy? what if, despite ALL THE FUCKING HINTS that he is the BIBLICAL CAINE we just write him to be an alien(?), I guess?. Let's also add progression, kids like that today right? they do it in Call of Duty and that shit sells millions. You have to reach the next rank in order to use a unit in MULTIPLAYER AND IN SINGLE PLAYER. Also we add three classes that uses specific units only and none others. Give aircraft specifically to one type, vehicles to another, and only infantry to the third and also that third class is the ONLY CLASS THAT CAN BUILD STRUCTURES IN A GENRE LARGELY CONSISTING OF BUILDING STRUCTURES. let's also take out currency, all units are free and replace the currency with points for upgrades that occasionally spawn in certain areas and have to be gathered by a ground unit and escorted to team spawn locations."- EA exec probably. I feel bad for the guys who had to actually program and develop this lest they lose their jobs.[/hider]