[@Ninian] [@Light Lord] [@MankeyMankey] [h3][color=bc8dbf]Luna Muuya[/color][/h3][img]http://i.imgur.com/ms4Ow8a.png[/img] [color=00aeef]Torrent the Popplio[/color], [b]Flake the Vulpix[/b], [color=ec008c]Sola the Bounsweet[/color] [b][Orre Region - Aether Sanctuary Exterior][/b] When the man replied that there were apparently no wild Pokemon in Orre, Luna and her Pokemon seemed shocked. [color=bc8dbf]"Really? That's so weird... I always thought Pokemon could exist anywhere and everywhere..."[/color] She said quietly to herself, her Pokemon carrying on their own conversation. [color=00aeef][/color] Torrent asked the shoulder mounted Eevee. Sola was immediately concerned by what the Sylveon said. [color=ec008c][/color] Sola quickly began to panic, Flake regaining her calm demeanor and moving over to comfort the grass type. [b][/b] She said, somewhat easing Sola's nerves. [color=ec008c][/color] She replied, still unsure of the surroundings she was in. The boy who had arrived, who hadn't even given his name yet, asked about the Tournament Rules as they started to head in. [color=bc8dbf]"Orre's standard battling style is a Double Battle? That's cool, actually."[/color] She said in reply, while waiting for the man's answer.