Nathaniel went over the options in his head. The first place he would check would be the guy's room, except that was completely off the table since they were barred entry as two Winds and an Earth. With a sigh, Nathaniel mentally kicked himself for his lack of foresight. There might be some other places they could look, and they could always ask some other Light Dormers if they saw the guy around. Still, finding one guy in a school was going to be like finding a needle in a haystack. Their time is limited. They better start working fast. [color=6ecff6]"I think we should split up. It's still the afternoon, but it's going to be curfew soon. We need to find this guy as soon as possible. If one of us finds him, we should call each other so that we can meet up where he is. Actually, I don't think I have you on my dial, Maisy."[/color] Nathaniel took out his D-Ceiver as he prepared to exchange contact information. [color=6ecff6]"Are you two okay with that?"[/color]