[center][img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/5a2a/f/2016/341/7/8/partyanimal_by_fenixking13-daqu8gj.png[/img] [color=fdc68a][h2]Olipher "The Heartseeker" Blightbreak[/h2][/color][/center] Olipher knew he'd made a critical mistake the moment his back was turned. Not hostile? This dragon thing had killed those wolves with some sort of fire magic, he was sure of it, but still he had dropped his guard. His mark had not been placed and the Dragon sprung like a snake. But instead of Venom there was blinding fire. Too close to dodge, too fast to counter, Olly recited a novices Fura chant to create a weak gust of wind as he turned to face the dragons flames at the last instant. The spell dispersed the flames slightly but it was still enough to overwhelm him. The flames licked over every inch of his armor and found the gaps with ease, burning his skin in a burst of searing heat. It was over almost as quickly as it had begun. Armor still slightly aflame, the Oni lost consciousness as his senses became overwhelmed by heat and pain and fell to the grass in a slump. The last thought in his mind was a prayer that it was the end.. ------------------ Not much later ------------------ Gasping for air, Olipher came to his senses and tried to raise his upper body only to find an excruciating pain accompanying the movement. His torso had been burned painfully by the flames of the Dragon.. THE DRAGON! Ignoring the pain coursing across every inch of his flesh, the stubborn Oni rose to his feet and scanned the immediate area. No Dragon. No Midori! Hissing with pain on every step, the fresh burns were agony across his skin as the still heated metal irritated them further, he collected his thankfully unblemished bow and looked to the ground for clues. Two footprints. One clawed.. the other hard shoes. Midori! With all the speed he could muster, Olipher sluggishly followed the trail leading further into the forest. This would not be her doom, not by his mistake!