[color=8dc73f]"Oh! Mable! Thank god, you're still here. I thought I'd lost you. I couldn't find Marlene though, we should probably get up early to search for her."[/color] Hiro let out a defeated sigh. He was fine with Marlene traveling on her own, but he would've liked a notice. For all he knows now she might be in a pinch. Worried, Hiro fell into a restless slumber. [hr] The night treated Marlene well, most pokémon were asleep and the few that weren't usually kept watching from their trees. It was however [i]very[/i] dark. So dark that it was hard to distinguish trees until you were 3 feet away from them. The foliage blocked out the light of the stars and moon. Despite this, light seemed to flicker in the distance, a faint glow emanating from beyond the trees. [hr][b][i][Center]End of Day 1[/Center][/i][/b][hr] Hiro woke up early the next morning, he'd waken up several times that night and he still felt tired now. The sun was just rising, so Hiro decided he should start looking now the sun was coming out. He shook Mable to wake her up and said [color=8dc73f]"Come on, get up. We could probably search more of the forest together."[/color] Hiro shifted his bag from his jacket to clean up his makeshift bed. He put on the jacket and with a large swing, he swung his backpack over his shoulder. Doing a routine check, he was relieved to find all 3 poké balls still on his belt. [color=8dc73f]"Mable, could you inform Imamu? We need any help we could get. I'll head into the forest on my own in the meantime."[/color] Hiro was filled with determination. [color=8dc73f][i]Today we'll find her for sure.[/i][/color] [hr] Level Progress: Dewpider -> Lv6