[quote=@Lord Wraith] [INDENT][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]G M A N N O U N C E M E N T:[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER]◼ [B]WEEK 04:[/B][/COLOR] [I]As the first round of secondary plots are coming to an end, let's discuss antagonists. So far there hasn't been anything too serious in the RP but what are your thoughts on antagonists? What makes a good villain for you? Do you like them unhinged, do you like them cold and calculating? Do you prefer an NPC villain or one who is directly portrayed by another player? What's good about being bad?[/I][/INDENT] [/quote] Like [@Roman] I feel the mark of a truly great villain is how well they work as a foil to the hero. To continue with the Batman/Joker example, I think it's why Bat's rogues gallery is arguably the most famous in all comicdom. All of his greatest antagonists work as a foil to him on some level.