[@JaceBeleren] would this guy be alright Name:red Age:800 Personality:he hates his job but when he is needed to work he is DEAD serious, nice to people, a bit of a joker, one for second chances, laid back. Powers or Abilities:Astral search: he can sense where every one is by there souls. Equipment and Weapons:Spiked Void chains: seemingly endless and unbreakable (takes a lot to break them) Chained Headsmen scythe: a double edged chained scythe with a axe on the end and a scythe head. Bio: red was always a reaper, he was just there one day. He takes the souls of the lost and throws the into the void. He hates it yet red knows it has to be done. Appearance: [img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/b8b4/th/pre/i/2012/003/0/6/reaper_gimron_chain_scythe_by_gimron-d4l72oe.jpg[/img]