Olivia sighed and let go of Leon's hand as she felt it heat up. She glared at him warning him not to leave. She had intentionally antagonize him a bit. She needed him to be a little ruthless tonight if she was going to find answers about Daniel and the others. "Leon, I will need you to stay by my side tonight. I have another purpose other than hunting for going out." Olivia never kept her eyes off of the new comer. At the approach of Riya, Olivia felt the blood pump faster to her heart. She tried to calm herself, knowing the others would be able to hear and Sarah would most likely be able to feel the shift in her emotions. Olivia's violets eyes rolled to the side as Ryia flirted with the other two vampires and she could not stop the twinge of jealousy that was pulsing through her body. "Riya... here." Olivia handed her a card with a name and address on it. "Take Sarah to this address. She is a blood donor and a good friend of the family who has kept our secret for many years. It will be good for Sarah to feed off someone that will feel pleasure while being fed on instead of fear. Make sure you both take an equal share and, as Sarah said, if she seems like she is about to attack or is unable to stop, keep that from happening at any cost." Olivia shot Sarah a sympathetic smile before turning to the sound of her younger sister approaching them. "Sister. How many times have I told you not to touch the new ones? This one can feel every emotion in the hallway-" She was cut off by the appearance of Maple and the family pet, Shadow. "Maple and friends" She smiled and nodded at Maple, acknowledging her and her trinkets. Then she turned to Shadow. "Actually yes. I will need your assistance tonight. I will explain after we leave." She turned back to Maple, "Be a dear and go find us a booth at The Bloody Sunday. If you happen to see Soma or Kraven on the way, will you tell them I am looking for them and need them to wait at the club? Feel free to eat while you wait. Sister, please go with her, I'm sure between the two of you, you can find some lovely snacks." Finally she turned to Leon again, "Leon, come with me. We will handle the human first then head out. Shadow, do a preimitar check and make sure no one suspicious is lurking around the mansion grounds." With her final orders she raced down the stairs without waiting to see if everyone would follow her instructions. She knew they would if they wanted to continue to be under the protection of the Family. She entered the room where her human receptionist was speaking with another girl. She was young and dressed in bright colors. Olivia felt her stomach rumble as the smell of the girl's sweet blood wafted towards her. She also smelled of flowers. [i]This must be the new girl that old woman from the flower shop hired. She's cute. But timid.... I could easily...[/i] Olivia shook her head, knowing it was only the hunger talking. As Olivia walked by the human at the desk, she could see two red marks on the girls neck where one of her family had fed off of her. Again, Olivia rolled her eyes. She would have to speak with her family again about feeding on staff. "Hello. My name is Olivia Bianchi. But you can call me Olivia. What can I do for you?" She smiled, but she wanted to end this business quickly. She was hungry and needed to feed. She glanced around the room at the other Vampires. They were all staring at the girl. Some with lust, others with hunger. "Please, clear the room. This young lady and I have business to attend to." She heard the grumbles and snarls as they were forced to leave. Olivia turned her attention back to the young girl that smelled of sweet blood and flowers, waiting for her response.