Shadow finally felt triumph for once in a long time. She never felt so much of it before; winning her second personal duel against a human. Not to mention her second victorious duel in a tag match! Everything went according to Jaden's plan perfectly, and it proved that she and her new owner worked well together in synch. The former genie smiled triumphantly, as Jaden and Yubel complimented her on her dueling skills; all she could do was lightly blush, although she did indeed imagine Atem and Yugi already being proud of her; not to mention Divine. [i]'I'll make them both proud'[/i], she confidently confirmed with a nod. Finding out that she was going to the Obelisk Blue level, Shadow did admit that after finding Jaden, and their new friend Syrus, going to Slifer Red, she felt pity for them. Not to mention that she just found out that females go immediately to the Obelisk Girl Dorms, and that the Slifers don't get as much respect; not to mention that some Obelisk boys were a bit snobbish. Shadow didn't mind the uniform she had to wear, and truth be told, she liked the style, although the blue-and-white was a bit much. She didn't complain, though. A rich, luxurious building is wear she will be staying, like the rest of the Blues, as it overshadowed the other dorms nearby. It was nice; almost too much for her status (since she and Divine technically spent their early lives in servitude). "Shadow", she introduced herself to her guide, who was also an Obelisk Blue. 'Alexis Rhodes' was her name, and Shadow willingly followed, taking glances at her surroundings. "They certainly did well with this building", she observed its luxurious layout, while walking through a hall. She didn't get too caught up in her sightseeing when she heard the blonde speak. "We are, actually. It's been ten months since my last duel, so we took up on the opportunity to try my new deck", Shadow casually responded to her question, though pondered. "It once belonged to a friend".