[b][u]Name[/u][/b]: Ieiri Shuusuke [b][u]Age[/u][/b]: 17 [b][u]Gender[/u][/b]: Male [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b]: [url=http://i.imgur.com/NFk6sBm.png?1]"Stop talking in that ugly shade of brown, please."[/url] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b]: Shuusuke is introverted and just a bit cynical. Shuusuke finds social interaction tiring, so he tries to prioritize quality over quantity. However, his early life was spent in the company of a bunch of "acquaintances" that didn't click with him. Because of this, he developed a cynical attitude when it came to interacting with people. He longs for good, deep interactions with someone; interactions that don't just boil down to small talk. Shuusuke is proficient in academics, especially in mathematics and hard sciences. Shuusuke is logical and calculating, always thinking through situations in terms of risk vs. reward. This way of thinking may alienate some people, especially those who value emotions over pragmatics, but Shuusuke couldn't care less. Shuusuke doesn't deal well with overly emotional people, anyway. Shuusuke is also a failed artist... in that he has a creative mind, but no outlet to realize this creativity. He can't draw, paint, or sculpt, and any music he tries to make always ends up scrapped within the day. Shuusuke has a nice singing voice, and enjoys singing, but doesn't think he can actually get anywhere with it. [b][u]Skills[/u][/b]: Shuusuke is exceptional at calculation, pattern recognition, and logical problem solving. Due to a lifetime of being embroiled with numbers, functions, and calculations, Shuusuke can easily use his experiences to easily work his way through any problems he comes across. Despite his lack of athleticism, Shuusuke has good hand-eye coordination from a life of playing video games, especially rhythm games. [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b]: His smartphone, his house keys, his wallet (containing ID, a debit card, a credit card, a few arcade cards, and an eAmuse card), and school supplies in his backpack. [b][u]Soul Arts[/u][/b]: [b][i]Prisma Falsum[/i][/b] - Shuusuke can manipulate light on the visible spectrum, creating visual illusions. Shuusuke can use this ability to bend light around himself to make himself invisible, though he can only do this for short periods of time right now. As this ability develops, he will be able to become invisible for longer, create powerful flashes of light to disorient enemies, and even manipulate light outside the visible spectrum. [b][u]Brief Backstory[/u][/b]: When Shuusuke was seven years old, he was diagnosed with sound-color synesthesia, which means that he sees faint colorful shapes whenever he hears sounds. Other than that, Shuusuke's childhood was nothing unusual. His parents worked middle-class jobs, and so Shuusuke lived a middle-class life. Shuusuke is an only child, and so he had to spend his time doing solitary activities, leading to his love of video games. His parents noticed his interest in math and science, and actively encouraged it, buying him books of brainteasers, logic puzzles and number puzzles. At elementary school, Shuusuke kept to himself. He had quite a few acquaintances, but none of them were people he'd truly call "friends". This has not really changed in high school. Shuusuke continues to keep to himself, though he's not opposed to interaction. In fact, he wants nothing more than to be able to interact more make friends, but since he gets overwhelmed easily whenever it happens, he has to spent time away from others just to recuperate. Shuusuke downloaded Strange Gospel on a whim, just to see what the fuss was about. He didn't buy into the rumors, and when he saw the prediction of his future, he was able to convince himself that it was a huge coincidence. As soon as the creepy rumors surfaced about the app and its new update, he deleted it. He wasn't getting any use out of it anyway.