[u][h1][center]The Great War is Coming[/center][/h1][/u] [center][img]https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/assets/4625763/WWOne02.gif[/img][/center] [h3][u]Premise[/u][/h3] It's 1913, and it's been about fifty years, give-or-take, since Europe had its last big war, where Germany kicked France so hard its emperor exploded all the way into exile. Okay, so that's maybe not how it actually happened, but still, things are heating up. The defeated France has allied to England and Russia, and the successful Germany has a laundry list of suitors to choose from. Dusty old stuff about the real world behind us, let's look up a few inches and realize, oh hey, this is about countries personified, so let's take a step back and talk about that. In this RP, players will be taking the roles of the major and minor powers of this turbulent time, personified (I'm going to be using that word a lot). Our characters will be given personalities based on how they acted as countries in the actual time period. Now, this idea has plenty of chance to go horrifically wrong as a result of political arguments or things of the sort, which is a good segue into the... [h3][u]Rules[/u][/h3] 1. GM's word is law. 2. No politics allowed. At all. 3. Please post regularly, at least once a week. If you cannot do that, let me know via PM. 4. If your characters are getting frisky, cut to black and take it to the PMs, I know this is kinda a rule all over the guild, but I've seen people forget before. 5. Don't fight in the OOC. If there's something wrong then send a PM, and if that goes nowhere give me a ring. 6. Keep it historical. 7. Even Germany isn't perfect (No matter how much he tries), so no Gary Stus/Mary Sues. 8. Keep it to one character unless you're absolutely certain you can handle it. 9. Have fun, laugh, and make some dank memes. (Ignore that last one) I'm sure I missed something, but I'll make addendums if it comes up. [h3][center]Characters[/center][/h3] Here's the fun part. Some things to be aware of before you make a character: -Character age is based on how long the idea of the country has been around. So France will be the eldest European while China will be the eldest overall. -Characters have no established gender except for a few exceptions, Austria and Hungary. As they are married, they will be opposite genders. France and England may also be of opposite genders, but it's not absolutely necessary. Other than that you should be fine. -Familial ties are based on historical association, so Austria and Germany are siblings, China and Japan are cousins, England is the US's mommy/daddy, etc. -When a country is restored (etc. Serbia) after a long time of not existing, it will have aged since it last existed. -Non-existent countries can re-appear for a time when there is a surge of nationalism or a certain event happens. (Ominous) With that block of text out of the way, here's a character sheet. [Hider=CharSheet]Name: Country name here Appearance: description or picture Allegiance: entente, central powers or neither. Personality: basic info here. Likes: Dislikes: Special Talent: every country has one. Weaknesses: What are they not so good at? Familial Relationships: Other: Anything else that you find necessary.[/hider] [h3][u]Conclusion[/u][/h3] Here we are, on the eve of... not so much war as a bunch of people getting really mad and yelling at each-other, so you know, all that stuff. I'll see you on the battlefield.