[hider=Alonare] Name: Alonare Age: young adult Race: Nekomata [hider2=Appearance][img=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/198/0/2/02a26bd41026372b438fa6434712977e-d6dyu3r.jpg][/hider2] Gender: Female Height: Five foot Abilities: increased agility, enhanced vision, good hearing. Skills: skiled with a bo staff and shortbow. But she can use her claws and teeth to as much use as any dagger. Rank: Class B Brief Bio/History: On one of the planets the Ebolorians visited was dominated by dense forests separated by small spaces of plains. it was here they found a race of anthromorphic beings that call themselves Nekomata. They evolved from the large felines of the world over thousands of years, becoming more humanoid to survive the huge climate changes that happen every two years, due to the rotation of the planet. The race, while humanoid, were still mostly instinctual, relying on their predatory drives over intellectual goals of a society. Nomads for the most part. Their leader, a matriarch, led the largest group of her race, and very successfully. She had fought off countless challenges to her rule, being a very skilled and clever fighter. It was for this reason the Ebolorians took her and her tribe for the arena. It'd be an easy matter to simulate a forested land for them to fight in, and many would enjoy seeing a new species killing or dying in other types of environments. For her part, Alonare quickly grew in the ranks, gaining popularity with the audiences and a standing among the other combatants. She was known for her strategy and brutal execution of them. Give her a few fighters to lead, and it was no longer a fight...it was a hunt. She does not kill for sport, however. She had been forced to fight, and does so when ordered to. Otherwise, the Nekomata Matriarch attacks only to defend herself or against predators that wish harm upon her kind. Recently, she has been seen talking with other species, hoping to make pacts and lessen the in-fighting that has been encouraged by their overlords, the Ebolorians. Affiliation: Alonare has the loyalty of her race, and encourages her kind to help one other if they are seen being attacked, as it was on their home against other tribes. She also has clout with others, a respect that comes from being an honorable opponent as well as merciful with a swift kill if forced to. [/hider]