As the fog of unconsciousness clears, you are inundated with starkly bright colors and saturated by the golden light of the sun, which hangs above you in the perfectly blue sky; there's literally not a cloud above. You're unsure if it is the nature around you, or your mind or eyesight that is improved, or some combination. But the beauty is breathtaking, which is a feat in and of itself, considering the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. As a rabbit bounces through the tall green grass a few dozen meters away, it appears that gravity is much lighter here as well; the rabbit leaps into the air, soaring higher than what you would have thought normal, before landing and then lunging again and disappearing into the ancient strong trees of the forest that surrounds the field. Your sight is not your only sense that seems to be heightened. You can clearly hear various animals distantly in the woods, birds high in the sky, and critters and insects crawling in the field around and beneath you, but not in an overpowering way. Looking down, you feel a red ant the size of your middle finger crawl over your hand, but it merely looks up at you and skitters away harmlessly. It seems nothing here is dangerous. There also seems to be a calming influence upon you. Fears and worries slowly ebb away as the serene scene unfolds before you. If you focus enough on your fear however, you realize that the otherworldly serenity does not negate your emotions, or those of your host. Free will is still a thing here. [i]"We should check on Anani. Something like this happened...before...recently. Our community received...visitors. At first we thought they were just rumors...but I see that it is true. My name is Zaraqa. I am an Archon, a leader in the council of the Golden City of Light. The City is just north of here, but we must check on Anani. She should not even be here. She was supposed to go with Diana and Daniel to --"[/i] Zaraqa cuts herself off. You can feel her emotions of hostility bubbling toward you. Her anxiety and feeling of violation resurface as she questions why she is telling you any of this. You also realize that Zaraqa does not speak English, though you comprehend both her thoughts and her emotions. Her singular overriding emotion is distrust, which is probably an understatement considering what's going on. However, you do not know everything about her, or this place. You are unsure if she is intentionally keeping things from you, or if it is all a natural part of whatever infused the two of you. Or a combination of both. Zaraqa is about to suggest checking on Anani again, but before she can do that, you notice (first hearing and then seeing) what appears to be a small Tyrannosaurus Rex lumbering in your general direction through the woods.