This looks awesome. I hope this is okay. [Hider=May Chandler]Name: May Elizabeth Chandler Age: 21 Gender: Female PIC or description: [hider=May Chandler] [img][/img] [/hider] Biography: Having been raised by a single mother and her grandmother, May has always had difficulty interacting with men. Her father left upon finding out that her mother was pregnant, and her grandfather passed away months before she was born, leaving May to a whirlwind of estrogen. Regardless, the house, albeit a tad dramatic, was full of love. May never wanted for much and was over all a fairly happy child. Her teenage years, however, were fraught with anxiety and fear. She became obsessed with her appearance by constantly obsessing over her weight. By age seventeen, anorexia creeped in. It started with cutting back on snacks, then eating half her food at meals, to skipping them entirely- sometimes for days. With work keeping her mother and grandmother busy, it took them a while to notice. She went from slender to nearly sickly thin. It took a combination of therapy and keeping physically active to motivate her to eat. When she was younger, she had always wanted to be in gymnastics, but they didn't have the money for it at the time. Now that she was older, she was able to work part time to help pay to enter a program. Competitions and practice encouraged her to eat in order to keep her strength up to keep up with it all. Despite knowing she should eat, she often needs reminders and posts notes to herself around the house to ensure she doesn't forget. All while growing up, Sunday morning were met with Catholic mass and the smell of delicious baked goods. This lead May to pursue a career in culinary arts after years if helping her grandmother in the kitchen. Despite her struggles with her eating disorder, she loved to cook. Even though she found it difficult to make herself eat, she realized food made other people happy, and she wanted to be in a field that brought that kind of joy to people.[/hider]