It is the 38th Millennium and the Imperium is ready to recover from its setbacks of the last two thousand years. Between the wars of Apostasy, The great and terrible civil war that nearly tore the Imperium to shreds from the inside and chaos incursions, several black crusades and ork waaaghs even the Imperium's considerable resources and military might was stretched to its limit. To try and counter this serious problem before the Imperium collapses. A glorious undertaking has been declared by the high lords of Terra! A new founding of Space marines! The twenty third such event in Imperial history is well underway. Entire forge worlds have already spent decades if not centuries churning the massive resources of a million worlds into deadly equipment of war that is to be required by these mighty warriors to prosecute their crusades against those who would defy the manifest destiny of the Imperium. The result of this endeavour was a brand new armada of the Emperor's finest. Armed and ready to push back against efforts of the xeno and the traitor and retake worlds lost to black crusades or traitorous rebellion. *************** Right lets get to the meat and potatoes of it. I wont spend too much time on the interest check aside from outlining the basics. I am looking for a group of people willing to play as the space marines of the a newly minted chapter of astartes. This means there is no established history or honour roll. Whatever characters are made will be what cements those first seeds of what the chapter will become. Establishing the first traditions, the first roll of heroes to be inscribed onto scroll or chisled into monuments. The premise of the game is that our chapter is young and in its first generation of warriors. Two hundred or so collected volunteers trained and built up from our parent chapter before given new ships, new weapons and painting their armour with strange new colours and unfamiliar emblems. This will be the story of that chapters first action as a chapter. Their first crusade launched to expand the Imperium and retake worlds previously lost from the Emperor's embrace during past wars or black crusades. Also in doing so find their new home world, a world promised to them in a vision granted to their chapter master when he knelt at the feet of the Emperor himself to pledge his loyalty and that of his new chapter to his service for now and all time. The players will be taking on principle rolls in this new chapter. The position of chapter master will be filled by myself for the more story critical roll it plays. Or a Co-GM if that ends up being a thing. But organization in such a small and new force is unclear. The new chapter master has hard decisions to make regarding the appointment of his new Reclusiarch, a chief librarian and senior apothecary to name a few. Not to mention future captains need to be marked out. The chapter has taken new blood as well as veterans from their parent chapter so there is variety there. Not everyone is going to be a sternguard veteran. (OOC: i am torn between having players start off as these rolls, i.e the first high chaplain, etc or have the players earn those rolls as the story progresses.) Not to mention the chapter literally has more empty suits of power armour than they do warriors to wear them. Vast stocks of new war machines with untested machine spirits and crates of gene seed are all piled behind the chapter master with more to be delivered to them as they grow in size and establish themselves. The logisitcal nightmare that is to be lord over an entire chapter of the emperor's finest would crush a normal human under the weight of data slates and administratum parchment. The RP is mainly about a new chapter making a name for itself. Discovering little things that might lead to traditions that will shape the chapter for thousands of years. A big part will be the efforts to distance themselves from their progenitor chapter which nearly all characters were apart of only a few scant years ago. They have to think of themselves as independent and their own chapter. Some warriors might be initially resentful as being 'volunteered' to join a brand new chapter, all of their honourable deeds wiped clean and they have to start anew. Others excited by the opportunity, proud to know they are shaping something that in the future will be an unstoppable force of Imperial might. And others indifferent for whatever their reasons. Who the chapter's progenitor is is currently up in the air. I'm thinking Imperial fists because Dorn rocks. But blood angels are also a possibility as are of course, Ultramarines or one of their successors. I am open to suggestions and criticisms from people on this idea. Does it seem fun? Do people have any potential concerns about gameplay?