Dylan groaned as he rolled over on the soft bed he’d been sleeping in for the past couple of days. A hotel, just about a mile from the mansion where the huge ball was to take place that night. He wished he could have stayed in his cave, but his partner had said it would make things too difficult. It was only seven that morning, but he couldn’t sleep anymore and got up. He walked out onto the balcony, looking towards the city. Civilization had definitely changed since the last time he had lived in it actively. This was becoming the Era of technology , and it was sad to see. It was like no one could do anything without it anymore. The day before he walked into a store and asked for a map and the young clerk had given him a funny look. Apparently now everyone navigated the world with GPS. It was a shame. After a few minutes he headed back inside, having to duck to go in and out. That was getting extremely annoying too. He turned on the coffee pot in the room before he went into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. The water was never hot enough for him either. At least the small spring in his cave he could make boil when he wanted to. He didn’t spend much time in the shower before he got out and got dressed, looking at the clock. It was nearly 8:30 by the time he was dressed and began heading down stairs. He was supposed to be meeting up with his partner, Tabby, at 10 and he wanted to at least eat some breakfast before he headed out to meet her. The best thing about this hotel was their breakfast bar, he had to give them that. They had plenty of fresh fruit and bacon and eggs and whatever else he could ever want just sitting there for him to take. He made his plate up before he sat down and began eating, looking around at the others there. There were a number of others who would be in attendance at the ball later that night, the males only being given away by the high maintenance females they had. Luckily, Dylan didn’t have to worry about that with Tabby. They would meet at the ball. He had finished his breakfast relatively quickly before he headed back up to his room and grabbed a few things as he headed out into the town. He needed to pick up his suit by 9:30, but that was alright, as it was on the way to where he was supposed to meet Tabby. He was honestly surprised he found anyone with a suit large enough for him, being 6’7” tended to make wardrobe a bit harder to come by. He looked at his watch and let his strides shorten he had plenty of time, and what was the point of rushing. After tonight, nothing would be the same and he wanted to drink in all of what the chaos to come would devour. -- Shayne sighed as she sat in the large window that overlooked the city. Very few had already been allowed in the mansion, but since it was her witch coven that offered to decorate and cast protective measures, Shayne had been there since the night before. She ran her fingers through her dark locks and then flipped the page in her book. It had been quite captivating. Dark secrets, hidden affairs, some very well written parts that made her blush every time she read them. Romance novels had definitely taken a more sensuous turn as she had found out from one of the elders in the coven. “Shayne! Breakfast is ready!” a voice called, and she marked her page and headed down the stairs and saw a few more witches sitting at the table. She quietly made her plate and sat down and began eating. She had been extremely grateful that the coven took her in, but all the same, she hated how they always insisted on eating meals together. “Shayne, will you still be helping me to place the protective enchantments?” the eldest woman asked her and Shayne nodded. “Yes, elder Selma.” She answered, taking a bite of her food and she saw the woman smile. “Thank you. I’m sure the host will greatly appreciate the efforts all of you are putting up, I know I do.” She said, a warmth radiating off of her. Shayne just nodded and finished up her breakfast before heading up the stairs and getting dressed. At about 4 was when they were all supposed to start getting ready to attend the ball, but they all had their own things. A couple of the girls were going to pick up the dresses and masks as well as a few other errands, and Shayne was staying behind with elder Selma to prepare the mansion for that evening. Then she would go out into the city park and read until she had to come back to get ready. Today was going to be a good day, she kept telling herself, it would be a good day. -- This not being out in daylight thing was becoming annoying, Elise noted as she sat in the darkness of the room she was sharing with one of her vampire friends. With a sigh, she took a long sip of her blood – wine mix and closed her eyes. It was barely 8 in the morning and she was still drinking. She had to admit, she did love the tolerance that came with being a vampire. “Elise, you still wearing that royal blue dress ?” her friend asked and she gave a nod. “That I am why?” she asked and the girl let out a huff. “I was hoping we could have traded. I don’t want to wear the red.” She said and Elise shook her head. “I look horrible in red, so no.” Elise said before she got up and laid on the bed, pulling the covers over her and sighing. “Besides, you and I need beauty rest, so let’s just get some sleep and wait until we can do things without worrying about the sunlight.” The girl groaned and flopped in the bed besides Elise’s. “this sucks!” she exclaimed and all Elise could do was nod in agreement. It had been the hardest adjustment she had had, and that’s including the fact she still had some issues with bloodlust. “Go to bed, Jade, I don’t want to hear you all day,” she groaned ad she flopped on her back. Nope this was definitely going to be a hard adjustment.