[@Ammokkx] Angelo went through the classes as he normally would and soon enough it was time and after classes he went to where Ethel wanted. Angelo was annoyed really when he saw that she was their and wearing cloths that pretty much covered her entirely which was obvious. She didn't want to be with Angelo at least not yet but she didn't even wait for him to answer when she asked about the girl and just started walking to the arena. He has to admit that the way she keeps giving these misleading text messages and then ends up being like her normal self was getting annoying. He walked behind her before saying [color=00a651]"Relax Ethel she wont be going anywhere for a while. Besides it would have been better if you had asked Camryn instead lets just say we played good cop bad cop and I was really good at bad cop"[/color] He said wanting to say that he didn't exactly display the friendliest of aura's but that was easy to explain because after all it was about Ethel. Angelo kept walking with her as they found their way to the turbo dueling arena...