[b]CHIYU SHOUKEI[/b] [I]Think they care more for school rep over the students, there, senpai.[/I] They had definitely taken into account the large jump in membership since the previous year, but the President still thought that the current amount of funds enjoyed by the Archery Club was a tad bit more than what was thought necessary. Sure, kyudo was important (an opinion she was stating without any grounding in the art), but it wasn't like they could compete with the Kendo Club's massive popularity with the administration, and without that, they wouldn't have a great shot at keeping up the case for more money. She personally didn't think a tiny bit more was too much, but then they'd have to rejiggle the budget again (see: her and her alone) and weather the complaints of the other clubs (see: the Council would throw her at them). But keeping on the same track was getting really awkward. Shoukei was expecting blowback of course, but the million-watt smile being thrown her way by the upperclassman was way too much. Her green gaze shifted minutely, avoiding the smile to focus on Hoshitani's neck; it was probably still close enough that he wouldn't think she was looking away or anything. She'd feel really bad trying to deny him, but in front of all these club members she'd seem like a pushover too. Aaah, and it was taking up time too. The Kendo Club just had way more links with the Board pockets right now, so she couldn't just unilaterally decide against giving them more cash just so Archery got squeezed a bit less. Her right hand ran through her mane of pink hair. Hoshitani seemed like a genuine guy and if the 1st years were pretty good, investing was just the way to go, but money was limited, you know? They weren't some wealthy private school that demanded 1.5 million yen a year or something. And it'd be her ass that'd be grass. Not that these club members weren't already going to rib her as a weirdo already. Aargh. Shoukei finally let out a sigh. Okay, she needed to find a way to compromise. Something that didn't put too much effort on her. "[color=DE6FA1]I'll try and talk to the President, but don't expect any promises,[/color]" she said. There, say something nice but meatless and push responsibility onto someone else. She didn't know if the President would be a lot more lenient on their budget, but in any case, it would mean more work for her. Aaah, she'd have to squeeze the humanities clubs a bit more if she was to give the boost in cash for the Kendo Club that the administration ordered.