"I chose the gusion due its sheer difference from what I normally use. Plus I have a soft spot for the toad guy. My normal gunpla is a verde buster" Yumi said as she opened up a small case placing her verde buster on the field with its extended v fin shining in the light. If one looked closely they could see cleverly hidden beam sabers on the rear skirt along with several stick grenades as well. "Either way I wanted to use something different than this old thing so this works in my favor as well" Yumi continued as she started to carefully place the large armor onto the frame. "Looks like Ill be done soon" Yumi muttered to herself as she looked at the gusion it was almost done just missing the armor on the arms. "My zero system is like its name sake an A.I that can predict what the opponent will do next. While it is not self evolving or able to predict the future it does it's job. Though the Zero system is just a temp name since the project idea was based after it." Sakuya explained her work was not to be scoffed at just cause its a A.I it was meant to mimic a human brain so it can react as a person would in a fight. "Still dont worry about the students Professor Niels personally scans each and every applicant in great detail before making his choices. I even heard that the Meijin himself helped with the scanning of applicants." Sakuya added it was of note that Niels and the Meijin Kawaguchi would take time to do this.