[h2][center]~|Nar Shaddaa, Veenra|~[/center][/h2] [h2][center]~|Day 3, 6th Hour|~[/center][/h2] [hr] At this point, Fa had choices. Several more than she had expected to be presented with. The Sith was stubborn, as many tended to be, so she did not anticipate that she would be able to convince her to be cooperative any time in the next few seconds. So, this was going to have to be a capture and interrogate mission. However, unlike other Sith, Zora was not yet being [i]violently[/i] uncooperative. The Twi’lek was certainly willing to fight, and was probably expecting to, but that did not mean that Fa had to start the fight immediately. They were currently in close quarters, which was exactly where Fa wanted to be, but they were also in the middle of a crowded bar. If she could help it, Fa wanted to minimize the risk to civilians. So, Fa had the choice of trying to detain her immediately, or letting her walk away. Of course, it was also mandatory that they not allow her to escape, but in the few moments that Fa had to think, a compromise did come to mind. With more time, Fa might have been able to come up with something more elaborate, but for now, she reasoned that detaining the Sith just outside the establishment would be less risky to civilians than doing so indoors. Members of her team were at every exit, so there would be someone to ambush her no matter which way she went. When Zora stood up, Fa let out a sigh. “I am not going to stop you from leaving, Zora, but I believe you are making a mistake. The chances of Nyiss learning that you said anything are slim, and even if she did, I will be ending the threat she poses after this. You will be safe. Leave if you wish, but I can give you an offer that no one else will match. I can promise that we will keep the deal; if one does not honor their word, they will quickly find that no one else will be willing to deal with them in the future. It is in the Republic’s best interest to be honest.” Fa fully expected Zora to deny all of her last ditch attempts at persuasion, so the next step would be to prepare herself to act. She did not make any violent moves just yet, but rather, she was going to wait until Zora had reached an exit. Fa could not pass on any orders to Vebra without immediately alerting Zora, so she would have to trust him to be able to pick up on the situation. As soon as Zora started to walk away without Fa, Vebra would certainly take notice. She had placed Vebra and his men under orders not to allow their target to escape, and she was not changing those orders. Vebra would need to alert their door guards to be ready to make the ambush. Since their mission was to capture her alive, Fa expected that they would try to surprise her by stunning her, perhaps with a concussion device. Fa was carrying a blaster pistol with her, and while she was no marksman, she could set it to stun and fire a few shots at the Twi’lek as she closed the gap. With combined fire from herself, Vebra, and Eyes, along with an ambush at the door, they could stand a chance of disabling her quickly with minimal risk to civilians.