[center][h1][b][u]GALAXY OF MONSTERS[/u][/b][/h1] [b]A Free-Roaming Sci-Fi Monster Hunting Roleplay[/b] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/8b56/f/2010/028/a/9/alien_planet_by_incaink.jpg[/img] [i]“Monsters exist out there… You just need to know where to look.”[/i] [sub][b]~ GAHL President [url=http://imglf2.nosdn.127.net/img/OElTYVVLL0ZiVUxZWG1TL0lIbU1pb2NZcW5jdzl2eFBjeGZTdC9JUWI4R1laVTN3K0lQbkl3PT0.jpg?imageView&thumbnail=1680x0&quality=96&stripmeta=0&type=jpg]Richard M. Malkovich[/url][/b][/sub][/center] It’s the year 2102, thirty years after mankind perfected the art of space travel. Through their travels throughout the Milky Way galaxy, scientists and explorers have currently identified 306 planets that contain physical life. And from these planets, around 64 of them house intelligent life. We have finally solved the age old question if we were alone in the universe. And the answer is a big fat no. As we continue to expand further into our own galaxy, more and more of these habitable planets are found each passing week. Every one of these planets house some of the most unique specimens unlike anything seen before on Earth. From the smallest bug, to the biggest monster, and to the smartest individuals, we have documented hundreds of thousands of new fascinating species. And with such discoveries happening at a feverish pace… ...comes a profitable business. Enter the Galactic Adventure Hunting Lodge (GAHL), a large legal group of hunters and explorers of all races and species, who are specialized in accomplishing quests that involve both exploring unknown planets and hunting even the most vicious of alien creatures out there in the Universe. Their clients all vary, as well as their tastes in what they want, but they are wiling to take down anything all for a good price. The more dangerous the mission, the more credits does it bring. A “high-risk, high-reward” job, it’s clear that only the bravest and perhaps the most foolish can make such a living off this life. You are one of these hunters, wielding some of the finest weapons and armors the galaxy has to offer, and it’s your job to work with your teammates and take down these monsters to simply get food on the table. Who knows what you’ll encounter out there, but I suspect that you’ll take care of them without much difficulty. Happy hunting recruit. And may the stars shine down upon your adventures. [hr][hr] Welcome to Galaxy Of Monsters, a free-roaming sci-fi monster hunting roleplay that lets you hunt alien creatures across the galaxy! From the steamy jungle planets to the desert wastelands, to even ocean and volcanic planets, there’s just simply so many locations to explore. And with every location, across any planet, there are different monsters out there to hunt and get your big fat juicy paycheck. It’s your life really. Now what creatures are you expecting to see out there? Who really knows? You may even encounter entirely new species to name for yourself, as well as the one to kill or capture it (for science) or find something even more intriguing. Allow me to provide you with several examples coming from this one planet: [hider=Planet K2B-894] [center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/planetstar/images/1/1b/Green_planet.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1024?cb=20130401020147[/img] [h1][b][color=007236]PLANET K2B-894[/color][/b][/h1] Located in the K2B Solar System Sector in the Perseus Arm, K2B-894, nicknamed "Aurorias", is a planet covered in a vast blanket of green jungle and swampland. Twice as big as Earth, it's entire landmass is composed of only one supercontinent called [i]Tultamia[/i] and has two giant inland seas being [i]Vhalori[/i] to the north and [i]Kalivess[/i] to the south. It also sports various large lakes and huge super-rivers, with the largest river having a width of over two miles and is 400 miles long. The planet's rings have been theorized to have been made after various large asteroids crashed into its 3 moons, releasing debris that eventually began circling around their home planet, leaving only two other moons left intact. Evidence supporting this come from the fact that between K2B-894 and its farther neighbor K2B-876, an asteroid belt separates the two planets. Despite this planet being a rather recent find, hundreds of fauna species along with more than several thousands of flora have already been identified, with experts stating thousands more of both categories are still waiting to be discovered. [hider=Fauna Species] [hider=Herbivores] [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/692b/f/2011/041/8/0/monster_no__002_by_onehundred_monsters-d397rez.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Kubaya zygaena [b]Threat Level:[/b] 0 [b]Height:[/b] 9.1 Inches (23 cm) [b]Length:[/b] 36 Inches (90 cm) [b]Weight:[/b] 4 Kilograms [b]Description:[/b] The Kubaya are small bipedal creatures that scuttle across the forest floor, forging for berries and other small fruit. Their long yet flimsy snouts allow them to suck fruit and put them in their mouths, much like how elephants do on Earth. They travel in mild to large groups and have an exemplary good eyesight, especially in the dark. Extremely harmless, they’ll flee and hide from anything in sight. The Kubaya are also reasonably fast, going up to speeds of over 20 miles per hour over large strides. Their calls can be identified by the little “clicks” and long “squeals” when alarmed. [hr] [img]http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e169/stieven1/ALienherbjust.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Phocysodon catesbua [b]Threat Level:[/b] 2 [b]Height:[/b] 4 Feet (1.2 meters) [b]Length:[/b] 8 Feet (2.4 meters) [b]Weight:[/b] 650 Pounds (295 kg) [b]Description:[/b] The Phocysodon is a generally harmless marsupial that resembles much of Earth’s tapir. You usually find them in small herds scouring the ground for grasses or fruit, their favorite being the Narcian fruit (yellow with long hairs on them; tastes awful to humans). Most notably, the female specimens have two pouches at their end of their backs, allowing for their young to travel in relative comfort for the first 2 months of their lives. Scientists are unsure what kind of evolution upturn would cause these pouches to form there. While generally harmless, male Phocysodons can get aggressive when protecting their territory, with the same going to females when carrying their young. Their calls can be identified by the pig-like grunts and rapid “chirps”. [hr] [img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/12/120318/2157556-feathertongue_prowhead_by_lieserl_d3416ah.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Herculine plingua [b]Threat Level:[/b] 3 [b]Height:[/b] 3 Meters (9.8 Feet) [b]Length:[/b] 11 Meters (36 Feet) [b]Weight:[/b] 3 Tons (2.7 Tonnes) [b]Description:[/b] Also known as “Feathertongues”, the Herculine are large quadrupedal herbivores that are named after their long feathery tongues. These tongues are used to grasp high leaves and fruit from the higher trees and bring them right into their mouths. They’re highly sensitive and are able to detect what’s edible and what’s not, along with providing them with their sense of smell. They usually travel in small family herds, with the youngsters being protected in the middle of the herd from predators. Herculine meat is considered a delicacy in some cultures and recently a major organization is trying to breed these animals for farming purposes. Their calls can be identified by “gurgling growls” and “whale-like moans”. [hr] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2c/af/a5/2cafa57d55d20f97b236bdd58745b1a2.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Zetamirous ghelirthamane [b]Threat Level:[/b] 4 [b]Height:[/b] 5 Meters (16 Feet) [b]Length:[/b] 6 Meters (19 Feet) [b]Weight:[/b] 9 Metric Tons (8.1 Tonnes) [b]Description:[/b] A distant relative to the herculine, the Zetamirous (or simply “Zetas”) is an armored herbivore known for its long thick bony crest, which almost spans its own body length. The crest seems to be made of 90% ivory, which is an illegal but extremely profitable item in the black market. If discovered by the general black market, massive hunting parties may result in their extinction. Not much is known about this creature in the wild other than it usually spends its time alone or in mating pairs. Easily aggravated and ill-tempered, it’s best to keep your distance against these creatures. Their calls can be identified by their “deep long calls” and “aggravated groans”. [hr] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3a/40/ec/3a40ece5c5a1a535133465daf67a110e.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Tetracoatlous lucoameuki [b]Threat Level:[/b] 2 [b]Height:[/b] 9.4 Meters (31 Feet) [b]Length:[/b] 7 Meters (24 Feet) [b]Weight:[/b] 3 Tons (6,000 Pounds) [b]Description:[/b] Taking the title as the tallest herbivore in K2B-894, the Tetracoatlous is a gentle giant that often can be seen hanging around in large swamplands in small family pods. They have long lanky limbs that end with sharp curved claws, allowing them to grasp onto high branches and steep bark, as well as for minor defense. The tentacles on their face allow them to forge for underwater plants and algae and can hold their breath for five minutes at a time. They have very few natural predators when fully grown but the youngsters are certainly more vulnerable and susceptible for attack. Their calls can be identified by their “low vibrating rumblings”. [/hider] [hider=Carnivores] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e9/83/6a/e9836adba009965c47bf9cd91cdeb4f0.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Neoraptus eruphratius [b]Threat Level:[/b] 7 [b]Height:[/b] 2 Meters [b]Length:[/b] 5 Meters [b]Weight:[/b] 500 Kg (1,1000 Pounds) [b]Description:[/b] Resembling much like the descriptions of Velociraptors in the 1990s and early 2000s, the Neoraptor is a deadly pack hunter that stalks the jungles of K2B-894. Instead of having two eyes on the top-sides of their head, they have nine eyes on their lower jaw. While they have rather poor vision, the Raptors rely more on their keen sense of smell and hearing to track their prey. With four front arms they are able to grip onto bigger prey more efficiently and like their Earth counterparts, yet they lack the sickle-shaped claws on their feet. They can also climb up trees if they have too. Their calls can be identified by the calling “chuffs” and “ghostly screeches”. [hr] [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/27dc/i/2011/086/d/c/centurious_creature_concept_by_lyntonlevengood-d3cl7a5.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Centurious rodantica [b]Threat Level:[/b] 8 [b]Height:[/b] 1.8 Meters (6 Feet ) [b]Length:[/b] 3.6 Meters (12 Feet) [b]Weight:[/b] 400 Pounds (181 kg) [b]Description:[/b] The Centurious is a unique rodent-like creature that is active at night. A nocturnal creature, it usually sleeps in the darkest parts of the jungle during the day, its tail wrapped around a tree branch. It sleeps upside down like a bat or an opossum does on Earth. Once night approaches, the predator wakes up and uses a combination of an acute sense of smell and hearing to track down prey from as far as two miles. It can be seen either hunting alone or in small packs and are the nighttime equivalents to the day-time Trydirius predators. Their calls can be identified by their “ghastly shrieks” and “cat-like noises”. [hr] [img]http://payload86.cargocollective.com/1/5/186185/4035208/HH_render_05_BM_905.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Trydirius partorphian [b]Threat Level:[/b] 9 [b]Height:[/b] 2.4 Meters (8 Feet) [b]Length:[/b] 15 Meters (50 Feet) [b]Weight:[/b] 480 Pounds (217 kg) [b]Description:[/b] A rival to the Centurious predators, the Tydirius is a deadly daytime hunter with a beak instead of a traditional toothy mouth. While it has no eyes, special sensitive sensors cover the entire front of his head and with the help of echolocation, allows the creature to scope and print a 3D image of the world around him. In addition, the Tydirius has a toxic bite that can paralyze its prey’s nervous system within minutes. People must have special detox medicine sprays onboard with them to make certain the poison doesn’t get to them when bitten. Their calls can be identified with “deep guttural growls” and “rapid clicking noises” of their beaks”. [/hider] [hider=Ominvores] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/81/2a/21/812a21758cace31e551f06f5e3d1f746.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Taxel dixecontromi [b]Threat Level:[/b] 2 [b]Height:[/b] 0.6 Meters (2 feet) [b]Weight:[/b] 9 Pounds (4 Kg) [b]Description:[/b] The Taxels are a bizarre species of creature that is best described as mashing together a bat, a monkey, and some alien DNA together, while extending its limbs by roughly double its body length. These “Neo-Primates” are rather primitive in intelligence but show many similarities to various monkey and ape species back on Earth. They live in large troops and are often seen eating various fruit, grooming one another, or simply swinging from tree to tree with their long limbs. When threatened, the Taxels often throw rocks or berries at their opponents while screeching loudly for them to leave, but otherwise they simply run and hide. Their calls can be identified with “short chirping noises” and “long howls”. [/hider] [hider=Fliers] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/fac1/f/2009/039/1/0/alien_creature_concept_by_cdb_art.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Toximori nervosticity [b]Threat Level:[/b] 5 [b]Diet[/b] Carnivore [b]Length:[/b] 7.5 Inches (19.05 cm) [b]Wingspan:[/b] 8 Inches (20 cm) [b]Weight:[/b] 1 Pound (453 Grams) [b]Description:[/b] The Toximori, or commonly known as “Stingers”, are hand-sized bugs that can produce a nasty sting. These bugs can be seen either alone, in small groups, or in large swarms if you happen to be by their hive. They often live in caves but during the day the workers go out to find little morsels to eat. They don’t often go out stinging larger creatures, but if disturbed they do strike back with their sting. It’s extremely painful to bear, but one sting won’t kill you. However, get stung multiple times and you’ll soon be dead. Some of the hive’s “Paladins” are slightly larger than the average drone and can spit their venom in small blobs to your face, irritating the skin and producing red rashes. Best to simply stay away from them and take some bug spray with you, as well as several detox medication. [hr] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/95/38/48/9538480f4d20e5d32c2c7d5b4ec33346.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Ornithormeriod lombrois [b]Threat Level:[/b] 2 [b]Diet[/b] Omnivorous [b]Length:[/b] 4 Meters (13 Feet) [b]Wingspan:[/b] 5 Meters (16 Feet) [b]Weight:[/b] 5 Pounds (2.2 kg) [b]Description:[/b] Ornithormeriods are pterosaur-esque creatures that live the the canopy of the vast jungle landscape, where they live most of their lives. Due to this, these creatures are extremely rare to come by if you’re limited to the forest floor. Yet in the canopy, they thrive and often eat insects or fruit, but occasionally come down to the forest floor to scavenge for dead animals or small animals. They have no legs, their only limps being two forearms and two winged-arms to make up for them. Their crests are often used for display and temperature regulation, flushing in deep red and orange when aggravated, in heat, or if they’re too hot. Their calls can be identified by long “caws” and “gurgles”. [/hider] [hider=Water Creatures] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/95/76/41/95764105902776d10a3e1f34df29f277.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Diplocaulus trioculus [b]Threat Level:[/b] 1 [b]Diet:[/b] Piscavore [b]Length:[/b] 2 meters (6.5 Feet) [b]Weight:[/b] 48 Pounds (21 kg) [b]Description:[/b] Bearing the same name as Earth’s extinct counterpart, Diplocaulus T. can be considered in a very weird way, a living fossil. It’s unknown for how long it has lived on planet K2B-894, but regardless it raises many questions about other similar Earth species living on other planets. Of course, this creature is also quite different from our specimens. For starters, it has three eyes, with one directly on top of its head. It also has spikes coming from his back-cheeks, sharper claws, and a similar head-looking tail on the back, possibly to confuse predators. If the creature loses its tail, it can grow it back in a short period of time. It’s poisonous for human consumption however. [hr] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cclYbVMauvY/ToYcQU0jqnI/AAAAAAAAAEk/mEpFE7REifI/s1600/piranhadon+3.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Piranhadon xenomoria [b]Threat Level:[/b] 7 [b]Diet[/b] Carnivore [b]Height:[/b] 1 Meter (3 Feet) [b]Length:[/b] 2.7 Meters (9 Feet) [b]Weight:[/b] 460 Pounds (208.7 kg) [b]Description:[/b] On K2B-894, the freshwater lakes and rivers are king to the Piranhadon. Acting like Earth’s alligators and crocodiles, this giant amphibious monster often rests on shore to gather the host star’s rays, while letting small birds and reptiles perform his very own dental checkup. Once it gets hungry, it dives into the water to ambush prey. They aren’t necessarily picky on what they eat, only as long as it fits into their mouths. They are incredibly fast swimmers, often picking speeds of up to 20 mph. Usually however, as long as you don’t get into the water, they’ll leave you alone, but once you’re in, it’s lunchtime for these folks. [/hider] [hider=MegaFauna] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JJnbMX_6iqQ/Vgnifbnsy0I/AAAAAAAAC5o/fZg4tqub4Kc/s1600/hunted-concept-creature-art-design-snake-alien-scifi-travis-lacey-conceptual.jpg[/img] [b]Scientific Name:[/b] Mors viridi (Literally “Green Death” in Latin) [b]Nicknames:[/b] “Kaa”; “Gigaboa”; “Hell-Boa”; “Split-Jaw” [b]Threat Level:[/b] 10 [b]Diet:[/b] Carnivore [b]Height:[/b] 1.06 Meters (3.5 Feet) [b]Length:[/b] 30 Meters (98 Feet) [b]Weight:[/b] 6 Tons (5.4 tonnes) [b]Description:[/b] The alpha predator of Planet K2B-894, “Kaa” is a giant green snake straight out of hell. Measuring at almost 100 feet long, this massive snake is the largest recorded serpentine ever discovered in history thus far, massively surpassing Earth’s extinct Titanoboa. In fact, some say that she is the last of her kind and many say that she’s hundreds, if not thousands, of years old. Besides her great length, Kaa’s most terrifying ability is being literally to split her bottom jaws open to reveal a gaping maw of large backward-facing sharp teeth, designed to grip onto her unsuspecting prey and swallow them whole. It’s even known to eat sub-adult Tetracoatlous’ whole. While not usually fast, the snake can ambush her prey at short bursts of speed, fast enough for nobody to see her coming. It’s rumored that she even has a hypnotizing glare that paralyzes her prey in pure fear, much like how the fictitious “Kaa” can in “The Jungle Book”, which is where she got her nickname. [/hider] [hider=Natives] [i]Unknown[/i] [/hider] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] As more missions pop up, so do other planets, and as they pop up, a diagnostic scan will reveal some of the creatures you may encounter while there. Any new creature discovered during the quest will get added into the list of fauna. And the bigger or rarer the animal is, the more money you will receive. High-tech state-of-the-art weapons will obviously be used to take them out, but let’s not go for something too strong. The fun is in the hunt you know? Vehicles may be used depending on the terrain as well, but mostly terrain vehicles and no flying ships (though there may be exceptions later down). So... Any questions? Obviously the rules for any roleplay state the obvious, but I figure you all know this. This won’t be such a large group but I’m aiming for 4-5 more dedicated hunters to apply and join before we can get started. If hunting creatures is your forte and if you love adventure, you may wanna take a look here. More info will be provided once the required amount of people join. If all goes well before Friday or Saturday, the RP should start then. (Also no Anime faces for the profile pics; but realistic artwork of individuals do work perfectly fine; also you can play as an alien and make up your own planets, creatures, etc) [center][h2][b]Character Sheet[/b][/h2] [hider=Character Sheet] Image (Real picture or realistic-Art) Name: Species: Age: Gender: Height: Weight: Personality: History: Weapons/Supplies: Misc: [/hider] [hr][hr] [h1][b]My Sheet(s)[/b][/h1] [center][hider=Character Sheet] [h1][b][color=8B4513]Rickland E. Jamison[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://truman254.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/tom-hiddleston-computer-wallpaper.jpg?w=1200[/img] [hider=Light G-8 Series Power Suit] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/95/4d/d6/954dd68129ab601c5d4a47136e9f6ba1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=8B4513][b]Name:[/b][/color] Rickland E. Jamison [color=8B4513][b]Species:[/b][/color] Homo Sapien (Human) [color=8B4513][b]Age:[/b][/color] 32 [color=8B4513][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=8B4513][b]Height:[/b][/color] 6′ 2″ [color=8B4513][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 78 Kg (171.24 Pounds) [color=8B4513][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Rickland is a kind and aspiring leader, leading his squad into the thick of action while being rather calm and collected. His prior military training has indeed helped to have him become this way, yet while being a good commanding force, he's more laid-back than some. He not extremely strict compared to some of the instructors of the Federation Force but can announce a stern voice when needed. Nevertheless, he always continues fighting on and can boost a great deal of moral towards his teammates and usually makes rational decisions. However, he usually takes the safe path a little too much and isn't the biggest risk taker, only taking them when he feels the odds are in his favor. This can sometimes make him a tad-bit stubborn in his ideas. Regardless, his heart is in the right place as he simply does what is right for his team in the situation and will stick to it till the end. [color=8B4513][b]History:[/b][/color] Born as a homo sapien on the planet Earth, Rickland always inspired to reach for the stars. As a youngster, he did relatively well in school, and kept well in his studies, but never made too many friends. Yet his diligent studies and aspirations towards exploring other planets in the Milky Way Galaxy, and possibly in other galaxies and universes, was always struck in his mind after being introduced to it by his father, who so happened to be part of the Federation Military as a pilot. Despite him being more of a holo-bookworm, he actually didn't want to be a scientist. He wanted to join his father in the Federation Fleet, just to explore the galaxy and to find and explore new planets and solar systems. It was his life long achievement to grasp and he went for it. After graduating from college, Rickland joined the Federation Military Force and trained to become a surveyor. At this point was the Federation in the hatchling stages in their new "Galactic Imperialism", sending out scientists and surveyors to scout the depths of space for planets suited for life first before sending military forces to unite them within their now growing "Empire". Any planets with intelligent life will be given the choice to join or not and if they do join they will still rule amongst themselves but act as representatives of the Federation Force. Of course, the surveyor all had prior military training before, so Rickland needed several years of training before becoming one. Long story short, while proving himself to be a good solider initially, once his father died in combat, Rickland became depressed. His lack-luster performance in battle prompted the military to discharge and kick him out of service at the age of 25. Now alone and jobless, for several long weeks did he prepare to move out onto the streets after several failed attempts in getting a standalone job. He was just about ready to sell his apartment suite, when he encountered Richard M. Malkovich, CEO and President of GAHL, the Galactic Adventure Hunting Lodge. He heard about the lodge before but due to his presence in the military he was unable to join. Now was his chance in rebuilding his life and once grasping this opportunity it literally changed his life. By this time he's a reasonable veteran in GAHL, serving as squad-leader and mentor, and having changed both tremendously and rapidly since being almost picked off the street. He is much more confident now, while also being much more laid-back and way happier than ever before. Now Rickland will receive a new team to work with and explore new worlds while hunting monsters for money. While he admits that the thought of killing animals for profit sounds rather inhumane, he was relieved to hear that the Lodge does not condone hunting creatures in large amounts or critically endangered species that are protected under Federation law. This is how they were able to be called a 'legal hunting lodge', carrying licenses and everything. Rickland will do anything to keep his teammates safe and ready for action. [color=8B4513][b]Weapons/Supplies:[/b][/color] [list] [*][b]Custom MTGC-770 Series Pulse Rifle:[/b] The [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/40/38/16/403816b8c2254d43bf17a9ca613c4c2c.jpg]Pulse Rifle[/url] is a rather common, but highly effective laser rifle, used by both military personnel and a good amount of smugglers across the galaxy. Rickland received this weapon shortly after joining GAHL. [*][b]Custom LG-4BT Twin Laser Pistol:[/b] The [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d4/3d/db/d43ddb9ad4df6ac27592d6f3f46fd95b.jpg]Twin Laser Pistol[/url] is a standard issue pistol handed out by the Federation military. While mostly a weak weapon, Rickland custom-fitted the weapon to become a dual-shot pistol, even having it able to charge up and fire a stronger laser shot. Can save your life in a pinch. [*][b]"Blackwatch Dagger":[/b] The [url=http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/blackout_bolo_machete.jpg]"Blackwatch Dagger"[/url] is a special military dagger-machete hybrid weapon that has a smooth grip-handle, armed with a sleek design for disemboweling opponents. It's sharp enough to slice through skin and meat like butter. Perfect for carving out thick creature hide. [*][b]MK3 Concussion Grenades:[/b] Rickland always carries several standard [url=http://afterreset.com/ARMEDIA/PR/update24/MA7andML11grenades.png]concussion grenades[/url] with him to flush out any opponents in the general facility. He sometimes carries other variants of grenades, which include stun, flash, incendiary, and the like. [*][b]Medical Kit:[/b] Rickland always carries a bag of medical essentials around with him during a mission, either to heal himself or his teammates around him. Carries the standard healing liquid canisters ("Aether Cans"), along with other medical essentials. [/list] [color=8B4513][b]Misc:[/b][/color] None ATM [/hider][/center][/center]