[img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/166/e/5/Draegloth_by_BenWootten.jpg] Name: Carnax the Trophy Hunter Wonderland Persona: Is denizen of Wonderland Age: Doesn't care (Ageless) Gender: Male Appearance: Stands at 10' tall (reference picture for rest of appearance) Personality: Aggressive and cunning, Carnax seeks more and more trophies for his den. He hunts those that are unique, dangerous, or both. His hunts tend to align with keeping madness going only due to the unique nature of humans coming in to stop madness. He initiates hunts by giving the prey a sign, though he will not begin the hunt without the prey knowing it is hunted. History: Few have encountered Carnax outside a hunt, but the denizens sane enough to mention what they do know is that Carnax has existed for countless time, hunting and killing for sport. He cannot seem to be destroyed. He instead always comes back after some time has passed to try again. Stories vary, but it can range from days to years before he comes back after apparent destruction. His hunting has culled countless lives and the unique learn quickly to avoid his interest. Carnax's den is filled with trophies taken from corpses he claimed, though no one else but him sees these trophies. [img=http://dustin.wdfiles.com/local--files/surina/surina.jpg] [img=http://s.cghub.com/files/Image/507001-508000/507503/492_large.jpg] Name: Aurora the Giantess Wonderland Persona: Wonderland denizen (surprisingly sane with quirks) Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: She stands at 14'6" and without her armor, she resembles the first picture. The second picture shows her in her armor and with weapons in hand. She does not wield the hammer or scale in the first picture. Personality: Aurora is usually rather kind if a little pessimistic. She wants to sincerely help out, but her curse is an obstacle to that. She is highly conscious of her height and often gets upset by things that point out the height difference she has with many other things in Wonderland. She is also prone to being reclusive, a side effect of her curse. Despite liking company, trust is not easy for her as many befriend her just to make fun of her height. When she is upset or frustrated, she often becomes angry or enraged. She doesn't want to hurt anything, but she will find inanimate objects to destroy to sate her occasional angry outbursts. History: From birth, Aurora has been cursed with supernaturally bad luck. This curse only affects others around her and she herself has surprisingly good luck in most cases. As time passes near her, companions experience worse and worse events until the very realm seems to be trying to kill them. As things get worse, Aurora will usually take her leave for a time, watching from afar until the bad luck dissipates. Her signature armor and weapons were scavenged from a giant that fell in combat. She learned to repair and wield the weapons as well as wear and maintain the armor. Her time is mostly consumed with practice, repairs, and art. She takes pride in her skills, but she is also one to find something bad going on. She has never escaped the ridicule of her height and the title of Giantess was originally bestowed to insult her. She took the title and used it as her own to bolster her confidence when she finally set out as an adult. As she traveled, she realized that the madness consuming may others seemed to never touch her. She never fully understood it, but it gave her the ability to move freely and forge her own path. Her unique ability also led many others to attempt to kill her. Her sword arms met the challenge and won each time. Her life prior to donning the armor and weapons is unimportant to her. She wishes to leave it behind and refuses to address it.