Pura stood. It felt like his heart had been ripped out. They were all such good people. Juvia was always so kind. Grey so sweet. Freed always doing the right thing. And the master, the man who had saved Pura when he was in need the most. When Pura was all alone and he had nobody to turn to. The Etwahl couldn't just bring him food or warm him in the cold winter. As Pura was freezing to death, a small shadow loomed over him. It had been the master saving him in his time of need. He brought him back to the guild and when he learned of Pura's powers, he decided he would keep him. Pura loved him more than music. If he could have been given back the ability to speak or save Master Makarov, he would have saved him in a heartbeat. Even in exchange for his own life. Pura gripped the necklace around him, mouthing words to it. The Etwahl was weird that way, it could hear what he was saying even though no sound escaped from his lips. Tears streamed down his face but they were masked by the rain. When the voting was mentioned he instantly wanted to vote for Lockheart. After all that Laxus had done, Pura just couldn't trust him. Even if he had redeemed himself he still couldn't be trusted in Pura's eyes. He tried to vote for Lockheart but couldn't say anything so he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote on it. Going up and handing it to Natsu, it read that Pura voted for Lockheart. Pura looked around and raised his fist, going back to his spot.