[quote=@Juicy] Monster-hunting? This is very, very exciting to see. The appeal of playing something alien is also attractive to me, personally, as well, so I'd love to be apart of this! I'd actually like some more details concerning the technology of this world; how we'll be traveling from planet to planet, what level of technology might be considered "standard" across the majority of planets. etc. Love the variety of species so far too! [/quote] [quote=@GeneralNox] Building on what juicy has said, a standard level of tech would be great to have established, so we can start planning our characters. Since we are 'high-risk, high-reward'hunters, I'd assume we have access to a higher grade of tech to the norm. [/quote] NOT having power armor would be a crime! As well as suicidal of course. There will be strong more high tech military power armor that they'll be wearing. No standard uniform really, just as long as it protects you from physical and elemental damage. An example can be found below: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/22/e8/70/22e870b4e76f6051a23af5960d197fcb.jpg[/img] [/hider] I'll put down more examples when I get home in the evening. As for tech, there will be frigates and several large capital ships that the Earth Federation will use. Also space stations are a thing. GAHL will have an office on a Space Station, but usually they'll be traveling on a light cruiser ship. Also as said, weapons will be more powerful and perhaps modified compared to the military. Laser weapons are staple, but rocket launchers, heavy laser gauss weapons, grenade launchers etc are also perfectly usable. Explosives in general too btw, as well as shock traps, trackers, and other trap elements as well. Weapons for Megafauna will be obviously turrets, big cannons, and the like, even mech suits can be used, but that'll be more down the line. Vehicles are mostly hovercraft based in this RP. Robots are present, but they're reserved for the Federation military and government. You can't play as one of them. Hope this clears things up.