[center][h1][color=teal]Betsy[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] It was all so surreal. In an instant Betsy couldn't breathe like she couldnt feel anything the moment she tried to inhale, only to realize she was virtually choking. As if all the air inside the room has been sucked clean, she tried to say something, shout even but nothing came out as were the sound in the air. Everyone panicked. [color=teal][i]"What the fucking hell is happening?!"[/i][/color] Amidst all the fuss and the desperation for air, she could intensely feel the surge of panic as her eyes darted from one person to the other. It's as if everyone of them has some level of emotional magnitude and Betsy has no idea how she could even tell. Her eyes went over to 'under wraps' on the bed as the lights began to fluctuate and a shatter fell the room into darkness. As he scrambled off Betsy has his eyes on this other dude in particular, she doesn't know why but his feelings overpowered everyone elses. There was panic, regret, and a feeling of poignance in her part. It was utterly confusing her. Eventually she was grasping for air, she tried to open the windows but her weak arms against a vacuum sealed room made it impossible to do so. She was desperate, but her sudden uncharacteristic sentiment towards the guy had made her stir over him. Without thinking clearly of the whole situation she grabbed him by the shoulders gripping them as she gave a moderate shake. What she tries to achieve, she has not a fucking clue but somehow she feels like there was something she could do. As ridiculous as it may sound, her heart was somehow telling her to 'help' him.