Jenso didn't know which words to choose as he looked at the screen. His heart told him to jump down there and help those people, but his brain told him not too. He was visibly shaken by what he had seen, and was doing his best to stop himself from jumping down. He listened to every single word Bruce spoke, watching as the woman walked off. He appreciated that Bruce helped the woman, and really started to enjoy being around him. [color=f26522]"Looks like Luke really is running an incredible place here after all."[/color] He stated, satisfied with all that he had seen. He was very impressed and fascinated by it all. He still wanted to jump down, but he knew that it was hardly the time now. Those people had to be able to fend for themselves after all, despite how horrible it all looked. [color=f26522]"I think I've seen enough...I'd like to go back to Luke. One more thing though..."[/color] Jenso muttered, and paused for a moment. [color=f26522]"What kind of person is Luke? How do you feel about him?"[/color] He asked. He did not notice the people near the Orobo tunnel exit yet.