[h2]Taka's "Dive to the Heart"[/h2] [i]Falling...straight down into a seemingly endless abyss...[/i] This feeling was all too familiar to the Nobody. Again, just like before, a ray of light would appear, enveloping his being. However, rather than develop in front of him, Taka could feel the warmth of the Light from behind him, its presence growing stronger as he drifted further downward. Soon enough, his body would safely land on the platform. He simply lays there at first, the Light lapping about his coat, gently washing unto him like waves on a beach. However, upon feeling another presence appear beside him, he slowly sits up, the Light clinging to him, feeling almost waterlogged. He was surprised to see himself, garbed in [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/eb/b3/c0/ebb3c09032ff774d51344b5ec2513ab9.jpg]completely different clothing[/url]. The other Taka was sitting upon the edge of the platform, simply staring out into the void. However, upon sensing movement behind it, the apparition looks right at Taka, a smirk forming upon his face. “You’re finally here...you’re rather late, you know. So late, in fact, that you’re probably confused as to what you’re seeing…” It says, turning to look back out towards the void. Taka moves towards the apparition, sitting beside it. “Who are you? ...Why do you look like me?” The Nobody inquires. The apparition chuckles in response, looking over at Taka from the corner of its eyes. “I am a Remnant of who you used to be. I’ve been residing within you for quite some time now. However, because of the darkness that had grabbed ahold of you, I was unable to fully awaken. Ergo, your memories, the ones of your life before you became a Nobody, have been withheld from you.” Taka silently thinks on what has been said, baffled by what this representative of his memories has to offer. “What must I do to set you free..?” He inquires. The Remnant smiles, swinging its legs to and fro. “Well, it’s quite simple really. You have to make a choice. The choice between Light and Darkness. The seed of despair that was planted within you when you first lost your heart is the reason you’re even able to wield the darkness in battle. Your true path was one that is bathed in the Light, bringing hope to all. However, do not let the actions of your past influence this decision. The choice is yours and yours alone.” It explains. Taka looks over at the Remnant, soaking in the reality of the situation. “...Neither path is mine to walk. They are two sides of the same coin..I shall forge my own path, using both Light and Darkness as my guides…” Taka pauses briefly as a memory flickers to life in his mind. The memory of his title. “I will walk the path...of a Twilight Knight.” The unlocking of this memory causes the Remnant to smile happily, dissipating into fractals of Light, starting from his feet, the fragmentation working its way upward. “A fine choice for a warrior of your caliber…” With this being said, the Remnant’s form disperses completely, only to suddenly reform as a new [url=https://www.khwiki.com/Twilight_Blaze]keyblade[/url]. Equipping himself with it, Taka eyes the weapon curiously, knowing fully well what it is meant to represent. [b]Timeskip[/b] As these events transpire within Taka, the katana he had been pierced by in his fight, whether it still be plunged into him or removed and laid to rest nearby, begins to glow, pulsating with Light...