[quote=@Western Robot] I've taken a minor canon character and pretty much turned her into an OC here. [hider=Bombshell] Name - Amy Sue Allen Alias - Bombshell Age - 17 Sponsor - Captain Atom Personality - Resentful, Guilty, Scared Experience - A short crime spree before being captured. Powers - She is coated by an alien metal, the same as Captain Atom. She is nearly invulnerable to blunt force, has a measure of superhuman strength (enough to lift and throw a small car), and can fly. She can also shoot weak energy blasts. Weaknesses - She is unable to remove her metal skin as it is still bonding to her. If it is cut or pierced in any spot on her body, her powers will temporarily shut down while it repairs itself. Appearance - [img]https://static1.comicvine.com/uploads/original/7/72370/1372979-bombshell_.jpg[/img] BRIEF Bio - Before she became Bombshell, Amy Sue was a girl running with the wrong crowd. After she became unwittingly involved in a murder committed by her friends, Amy Sue was sentenced to a youth detention facility. Before she was incarcerated, a shady group offered to erase all records of her crimes in exchange for her participation in their experiments. She was accepted, and the group tried to recreate the procedure used on Captain Atom. They were partially successful, but they were unable to fully connect her to the quantum field Captain Atom uses. This resulted in her weaker energy powers. Instead of releasing her like they said they would, the group kept Amy Sue in containment so they could study her before repeating the experiment. After a couple months, Captain Atom discovered the group, and raided their labs. Amy Sue, now calling herself Bombshell, managed to escape during the confusion, and went back to her hometown, hoping to find help with her old friends. When the first one she visited got scared and tried to run away, Bombshell snapped and started attacking random buildings. Captain Atom was able to catch her and calm her down. Once he got the full story from her, he took pity and decided to invite her to the team forming in Midway City. Notes - She'll start out as essentially a weaker Captain Atom, with the potential to fully bond with her powers and stand as his equal. [/hider] [hider=Sample Post] [b]"Are you ready, Bombshell?"[/b] asked Captain Atom. Bombshell looked over to him. She'd heard of him before the experiment, but had never cared enough to look him up. Now she was supposed to be his sidekick or something. He'd told her a bit of his past when they'd first met, and it was pretty close to hers. An outsider would consider his worse—he lost decades, she lost months—but Bombshell didn't think like that, and she didn't think Captain Atom thought that way either. They were just kindred spirits. The difference was, he was innocent. Bombshell though back to the question. Was she ready to meet these people? From what the Captain had told her, these guys were going to be her teammates until she became an official Justice League member or retired. She answered, "As ready as I'll ever be." [b]"It took you a minute to answer. Are you sure you're prepared? You haven't given yourself very long to recover from your imprisonment."[/b] "I feel best when I'm doing something. Meeting the team, beating up bad guys, saving people, it's all better than moping around in my room." [b]"You know, I felt the same way,"[/b] he said with a smile. [b]"Let's head in."[/b] Captain Atom held the door open, and Bombshell entered. It was time to meet the team. [/hider] [/quote] I've added in my sample post.