[center][h2][color=92278f]Bonesword[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Huh. So this is what dying feels like. At least that's what the skeleton would be thinking if he was hit. Within a mere instant it would seem, the skeleton was surprised to find that he was not the one hit with the poisonous fruits from Victoire, but instead his basilisk, Charlie, was the one who took the hit. The snake jolted back in sheer agony, beginning to writhe around on the ground as Victoire and Henry disappeared into the distance. Bonesword stood over his "son" and watched as he kept writhing all the way through his torment. A feeling of grief started to wash over the skeleton, a very familiar feeling at that, as he saw the cloud of sheer death starting to enclose the lands of Arcadia. He knew what to do. With a sorrowful look, he brought the blade he was gifted from Hohenheim down onto Charlie's head, taking it off and reducing him to a pile of basil. A small sniff could be heard from any nearby as Bonesword stared off at the fields of flowers. He knew what to do, and he'd later come to regret it. A single order was sent out to the burning armies of Bonesword. They only had one more task to do before they were dismissed. [color=92278f][b]"Immolate the flowers. No survivors."[/b][/color] Many of the surviving trees, lit aflame by Henry, ran directly into the flower fields of Arcadia, setting them ablaze and scorching the land around them. There wasn't much to do at this point, but this would be one of the things that truly mattered in the long run. Of course the flying islands of Arcadia were still completely fine, but the ground was scorched clean. [center][img]https://wildrumphius.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/dscn0497.jpg[/img][/center] [@floodtalon] [@Lmpkio] [@Awesomoman64] [@ReaptheMusic] [@Mega Birb] [@Lonewolf685] [@TheWindel] [@Flamelord] [ @anyone else I forgot this is hard] [@KoL]